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Jack's POV

We approached Mark's car and he put my bag in the backseat. I hopped into the passenger seat as he got into the driver's seat.

"I'm really excited to be here Mark! "

"I'm super happy that you're finally here! I can't wait to show you around L.A! " I giggled and Mark started the car, leaving the airport and heading into morning traffic.

It's definitely going to take me a while to get used to the time zone switch.

I felt my phone go off for the hundredth time today. My smile vanished when I saw that it was Jason.

Guess he finally woke up...

Where the hell are you

I'm with a friend

You don't have any friends fuckface

Why the fck would anyone want to be friends with you i can barely stand your fatass.

Your annoying

Your weird and loud

Your ugly

Your laugh sucks, you have the body of a girl.

There is so much fucking wrong with you that all your good for is to be my punching bag.

I bet your crying right now that's another thing wrong with you you cry to damn much

Please just stop

Make me bitch I'm gonna fucking kick your ass when I find you

This is your fault Jack, you can't do anything right.

You aren't worth shit and you know it.

Mark's POV

I stopped at a red light and sat back in my seat. Thank god we're almost home, I forgot how hectic traffic could be in the mornings.

"So uh...I figured we could just chill at my place for today. " I didn't get an answer, so I turned and saw Jack on his phone. "Jack, did you hear me? "

I saw water on his phone screen, he didn't have water when we got in the car.....

We've been in the car for twenty minutes. What could've happened that's making him upset?

The light turned green and I got to the house as fast as I could. A few sobs escaped him and he started to rub his eye's.

"Everything is gonna be okay Jack. Just let me get us home. " I pulled into the driveway and parked the car. I grab the keys and I head to the back of the car, grabbing his suitcase.

I go to the door and unlock it, setting his bag to the side. I didn't hear paws run across the floor so Chica must be upstairs asleep.

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