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Morning came slower than it should've, Nurse Skylar, came at 8, checking up on Jack like she said and also waking up the other three men.

Mark, Ethan, and Tyler eventually pulled themselves together and got up.

Jack was still half asleep and wasn't really aware of his surroundings yet. The nurse explained it'll take him a while to fully wake up, due to all the medicine they had to put in his system.

So Tyler and Ethan used this time to go get breakfast while Mark stayed back. Not willing to take his eyes off of his lover ever again.


Tyler and Ethan eventually got back, after stopping by the house to make sure that Felix had gotten the memo that he was in charge of Chica.

Also grabbing a few things that Mark asked for, phone chargers, his wallet, change of clothes and Jack's Cherry Blossom hoodie.

They set everything down in an extra chair and handed Mark his food. He whispered a quiet thank you and ate. Jack still hadn't woken up completely, staring at Ethan as if he was trying to decode him.

It wasn't until almost 10 am that he had finally started to come to it, mumbling Mark's name.

"Hey Jacky, how are you feeling?" Jack shrugged, remembering that due to his stitches, he couldn't speak until they dissolved. Luckily, he was told it'll only take a week or so.

So at the moment, the most he could do was a hum in response. "These are friends of mine, Tyler, and Ethan." Ethan stands up first, moving next to Jack.

"Hi! I'm Ethan and I'm really excited to meet you!" Jack nodded and watched Tyler walk up next to Ethan. He could definitely tell he was taller than Mark.

"I'm Tyler of course and it's a pleasure to meet you, Mark hasn't shut up yet about you."

"And I don't plan on it," Mark playfully winks at Tyler, knowing it would annoy him. "You have no idea how fucking happy I am that you're alive." Mark pressed a light kiss to Jack's cheek, wanting to already start making up lost time.

"I actually started to doubt whether they'd find you or not. Which I know is the worse thing to think, but it felt like I had no choice." Mark held back tears, not wanting to get Jack worked up. But Jack still managed to see them.

Jack looked around before spotting the notebook and pen on the dresser under the TV. Using his good hand, luckily was his dominant hand, he pointed at the notebook.

Tyler caught on quick and moved over the dresser, picking up the items. He laid them under Jack's hand and Jack sat up enough in the bed to write his thoughts.

After a few minutes, he pushed the book over to Mark, waiting for him to read it.

'I'm sorry that you had to go through this. A part of me truly wishes we've never met, cause I'm sure I've caused you much pain within the last few weeks. But I've never experienced love like this and I hope it never ends. That bastard is off somewhere getting what he fucking deserves. He's gone and I can finally enjoy life after years of misery. Don't put yourself down because of this, you've done nothing wrong.'

Mark smiled and was about to open his mouth until he saw the note at the bottom of the page.

'Also, sorry about your backdoor.' That part really made Mark laugh. He sets the notebook on the side table and presses a kiss to Jack's seemingly broken hand.

"Don't apologize, and you're right all that matters is that you're here and he isn't. Also, don't worry about the door, I managed to find someone to fix it." Jack nodded the best he could.

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