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The Parents

I went back and added some titles to each chapter because why not?


My injuries healed. I haven't. Simple as that.

"I've never met your parents." I blurted out, a random thought I had.

Will processed this for a second, but then nodded. "I haven't seen them in forever. Maybe we should go visit them."

"I don't want to have a breakdown while I'm there."

"You won't. The last one you had was two weeks ago. You've been doong better."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

But I could hear the uncertainty in his voice.


We walked up to the doorstep of the Solace's apartment building. I nervously put my arm around Will's waist, and he kissed my forehead. "Don't worry. You're polite and adorable. They'll love you."

"I am not adorable." He silenced me with another kiss and then we walked in, and went up to the directed floor.

"Will!" Mr. and Mrs. Solace jumped up when we walked in, and embraced him into a hug.

"Hey Mom, Dad. This is Nico, my boyfriend."

"Hello, Nico!" Mrs. Solace hugged me, and Mr. Solace held out his hand for me to shake.

"It is a privilege to meet you," I told them, and the Solaces smiled.

"Its not necessary to be so formal. A friend— er— boyfriend of Will's is a friend of ours." Mr. Solace informed me.

"Come in, you're in time for dinner!"

I sat down at their island, their apartment was formatted similar to ours thankfully.

"So, Nico, what are your hobbies?" Mrs. Solace asked, while androids prepared a dinner of salad and steak.

"I don't have many, but I do enjoy to paint and play music on the applications on my Tap."

"He's very good at painting," Will burst in, smiling."He drew some very nice photos of us together."

"Oh? You two can see eachother's Taps?"

"A bit. It's blurry." I smiled. Will looked at me confused.

"You can see mine?" He asked.


"Open your Tap," He instructed and I did so.

"Oh, wow. You're right."

The Solaces just smiled at us.

"So, slept together yet?" Mr. Solace asked, a tone of humor in his voice.


"No." We answered simultaneously. I buried my head in my hands at Will's answer, and he laughed.

"Was if fun?" One of Will's younger siblings butted in.

"I'm joking. Stop staring at me." Will was laughing like crazy, and I cracked a smile.

His parents looked relieved. I don't blame them.

"How long have you two been dating?" His mom asked.

"Since October. We met in July."

"Oh? Where did you meet?"

"On Elysium's wall." I said nonchalantly.



"Oh. Was I not supposed to tell them I'm from the Barrenlands?"



"Yes Dad?"

"You went in the Barrenlands?"

"Techically no. I went on the wall. Not the actual Barrenlands."

"You ignored every single piece of advice we ever gave you. And you still did it."

"I was 17. I was reckless."

"And what about him? How do you know he's not a psyco?"

"He was afraid of shadows and people. I don't think he's going to ever look at a knife, much less kill me in my sleep."

"I trust Will. I'd never harm him. He saved me," I paused. "Its not even my fault I was over there. It's my parents."

"Dad, you aren't in charge of who I love. You never were."

"I– fine. I'm going for a walk."

I sat there defeated. They were the same words I said less than two weeks ago.

I heard the clatter of the plate, and saw that food was served.

"Thank you." I absentmindedly told the android, then realized that I thanked a robot.

"Star, you're so cute." Will smiled at me.

"Shut up." I poked my dinner with a fork, and took a bite. The tips of my ears were red in embarrassment.

Mrs. Solace Sat down. "Please, Nico, don't mind him. He disagreed with Will's ambition to see over the wall. It's because one of his closest friends went over the wall after climbing it."


"Why did you never tell me that?" Will asked.

"We didn't want you to know that your dad was like you, rebellious and curious. I wanted to keep you safe, so that wouldn't happen."

"Will he ever come around to the idea that Will is dating me?"

"One day. Hopefully soon."

I took another bite of my meal. Somehow, I felt guilty, like it was my fault that it all went down. It kind of was.

The Elysium Project (Solangelo AU) (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora