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The Project


Nico was doing worse and worse. His mental health was rapidly depleting. He keeps seeing things, and not seeing things. In the last two weeks, he has literally walked through me, as if I was a ghost.

But we still tried. We went outside on walks. We smiled, laughed, and stargazer, as if everything was okay. Even though it wasn't.


"Yes, darling?" I called back to him from my room.

"I want to go back to that park today. The one we went to on our first date?"

"Sure, that sounds fun. We haven't been there in a while."

I got up, and Nico was in the living room.

"Why are you wearing a jacket? It's almost summer."

"Its comfortable. And it's mid-spring. Not even close to summer." He muttered as I took it off.

"If you get cold, you can wear my shirt over yours."

"I might do that anyway." He muttered as I gave him a quick kiss.

We set out and started walking towards the park.

I looked up at the sky. It was a cloudy day, like it had been since winter. Cloudy days and clear nights. I kind of want it to be sunny again.

We arrived at the park, and Nico looked over the lake in shock.

"Can you see them?" He asked.

"See what?"

"The stairs." He pointed to a spot above the lake.

"No." I walked closer to the lake, as he stepped in. But that air caught him, and he stepped up again.

"How are you doing that?"

"I'm just stepping on a stair." He grabbed my hand, and pulled me, as if to motion to step on to the invisible stair myself.

I stepped on to a spot of air, and heard a click of marble as my foot hit something hard. I looked down, and surrounding my foot in a small circle was a little bit of marble. I took another step up and it showed the same thing.

"Do you think we should go up?" Nico asked.

"Maybe. I'm not sure." I stepped up another stair, and moved my foot back down.

Nico took that as a yes, and hand in hand, we traveled up the mysterious marble stairs.


The stairs seemingly went on for miles, and soon, we arrived to the end. I wad about to step on another stair, when Nico held me back.

"You're about to dive off the stairs."

"Oh. That's the end?" I asked. I looked up at the area above the clouds. There wasn't much at first, but before my eyes, a city of marble started appearing slowly, as if it was loading in a video game.

"What is this place?" I asked.

"I have no idea." We walked into the strange city together, and started looking around.

It was very modern, but also very ancient. Annabeth would have liked this. She's a fan of Old World architecture.

As we walked, I saw other people. A girl with a dress made of rainbows. A guy with wings on his shoes. A different guy who was most likely the human embodiment of death and hate.

I looked ahead, and there was a giant temple-looking building, with statues and hedges surrounding it.

Nico looked at me. "I'm assuming you want to go to the large shiny white building."

"I want to go to the large shiny white building." I confirmed.


Once we arrived at the large white building, I opened the doors and looked inside. There were twelve thrones, in a inverse U shape, and in the middle, there was a giant holographic table, with a city on it. Once I looked more closely, I could tell that that city was Elysium. We walked closer, and I touched the table, looking at the small streets and buildings.

On the side of the table, were words engraved in a foreign language.
Nico muttered "The Elysium Project."

"How do you know what that says?"

"I...don't know." He muttered.

I looked up at the twelve thrones. They were once empty, but now had people sitting on them.

The man in the largest chairs at the end stood up.

"Nico Di Angelo. And...Will Solace." He paused before saying my name, as if he was going to say something else. "We are the Olympians. We are the people who made Elysium."

"You said made as if it were just created, not built."

"That's because it was."

"What?" I questioned.

"The Elysium Project is just that. A project. A game that we decided to play." One of the other of these "Olympians" said.

"Don't sound so rude, Hera."

"What about the people in this Elysium Project. What about them?" Will asked.

"They are all parts of the game. Experiments."

The head Olympian paused

"Even you."

Nico looked at me, hoping that what the said wasn't true.

I didn't want it to be true.

I wanted to yell out that it was a lie, and that I was real, Elysium was real, and that our love was real.

But, as if there was something possessing me, I nodded my head.

The look of heartbreak on Nico's face was the last thing I remembered before I started fading out of existence, piece by piece, memory by memory, until I was gone, all but one memory, of Nico and I, sitting on the wall, under a sky full of stars.

And that memory was such a heavenly view.

*cue the crying fangirls*

So, this is the end of The Elysium Project. That's a turn you didn't expect.

Honestly, I knew the ending before the start. I wrote this first, but decided against publishing it as a one-shot. It wouldn't have made any sense.

No, there will not be a sequel. I don't know how I would write it. My apologies.

I might publish an additional ending if I feel up to it.

The Elysium Project (Solangelo AU) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now