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Will and I were in the park after a snowstorm the night before, and we were just hanging out when his friends Percy and Jason showed up.

Will wrapped them in a big bro-hug, as he calls it, and I awkwardly waited to the side.

"Hey, Nico. How's it going?" Jason asked.

"Good, I guess."

He was about to say something when something hit him in the head.

"Suprise." Will joked, after he was hit in the head with a brick made of snow.

I looked around, and saw Will calling me over behind a bench.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"Its a snowball fight."

"We declare war on you, Team Solangelo!" Percy yelled at us from across the field.

"Bring it on, Team Jercy!" Will yelled, and grabbed a snowball and shot it for Percy's face.

"What's Solangelo? And Jercy?" I asked Will.

"They're the team names." Will answered, then got hit by a snowball. "Jercy is Jason and Percy, Solangelo is us, Solace and Di Angelo."

I nodded in understanding, and started forming a ball of snow. I threw it at Jason, and hit in between his eyes, making him almost fall over. Will smirked in satisfaction, until Leo came running in.

"Did you forget about me?" He asked, and started throwing show everywhere. "Since Will has a team, I'm on Team Leo-Mc-Shizzle."

Leo appeared to be...well...very hyperactive, like a child given too much candy. When I was distracted, a weak snowball hit me in the face, splattering snow all over my face and getting into my eyes.

"Ouch!" I yelled out.

"One point for Team Leo!" He yelled.

I eventually figured out that points were earned by how many times someone is injured.

Will made a pile of snowballs, and while the other teams were constructing makeshift forts, we stocked up, and I hit them in the face with snow.

Even through the "Ouch!"-es and the irritated "Hey!"-s, we were having a fun time. I was having fun, enjoying myself, which is something I haven't done in a while.

This is probably something Bianca and I would have done. That one thought brought back painful memories, ones that I thought were long buried under the layers of snow.

I was overcome by a feeling of guilt, for Bianca. She died because I lived. She was always giving everything to me, and I was giving nothing back. For Will. He let me live with him, he took me out on a few dates, and then suddenly I flip out and get us into a car crash.

"Hey, Nico, you okay?" Will snapped me out of my head and back into reality.


"We won. 7 to 6 to 3. Leo got tired and called quits."

"Oh. Cool." I smiled, and then shivered. It was very cold, and the jacket I chose didnt block out the cold very well.

Will smiled at me. "Do you want to borrow mine?"

"Your what?"

The Elysium Project (Solangelo AU) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now