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Here I am, living in this so called amazing utopia called Elysium. Where everyone is spoiled rotten. Where everyone lives in a house with nothing to do but everything. We have robot servants. Huge screens that play shows that take up a whole wall. I think people from the Old World called them TeeVees or something. We also have Chips implanted into our minds that tell us whatever we want to know, and we have a Tap, where we can create a hologram of a game, image, video, or live face-to-face contact with a tap of your finger. Sort of like fones, but 3D, and much more portable. And there's a ton of other so-called cool crap.

And I hate it.

It's very boring, not having anything to do. People used to have to get up and do things, go to their carier, but here, you can lay around for days.

We still meet other people, have parties, and fall in love, but that's all you do with your life.

Imagine having everything you need to survive in one place you can't leave. Food, water, entertainment, and you don't have to do anything for it. But you can't leave that box. But you desperately want to leave the box.

So yeah, that's a brief summary of what Elysium is like. For me, at least.

Once I got out of bed and went downstairs, I found a robot cooking breakfast. I tried to learn how to cook for myself once, but my family disliked me for it.

"Don't get up and work. That's the Servant's job."

Funny how they hated me for doing something on my own and not for being gay. I think it was the opposite in the Old World.

So after breakfast, I slipped on my yellow hoodie, pants, and shoes, and went to go downstairs. Activating my Tap, I played some music and went for a run. Unlike most fat lazy pigs here, I actually tried to exercise and stay healthy. I was looking through my Tap when I reached the tall sloped wall surrounding Elysium.

Now the thing is, is that don't have a government run by people. If anyone sees someone doing something wrong, they can send it all over the City. Like murder. Or trying to leave Elysium.

Last time I tried to escape, I was carried all the way back to my house by a security android, and my parents wouldn't let me leave the apartment for two months. It was a horrible two months.

Then again, the area past Elysium, also called the Barrenland, is filled with killers and psychopaths. That's where you dump people who've killed. Obviously you wouldn't dump escapees there, as you would pretty much be granting their wish to leave.

I've been caught trying to escape what... 18? 19? times over the course of 4 years. Since I was 13. Luckily later this year, I was going to turn 18 and own my own apartment. So I could try and escape all I want.

I Tapped my partner in crime, Percy.

"Hey Will." He was sitting in his living room on a blue couch. For some reason his family loves blue. It was everywhere. Blue, blue, and more blue.

"Hey Percy." I flipped the holograph to show him the wall. "Should I go for it again?"

"Wait until I'm there. I want to see what's past there too. And so does Leo." I Tapped Leo to cause a three way conversion.

"Sup?" He was in his room, which was decorated with fire-looking wallpaper. All of my friends were obsessed with one element for some reason. I like light. Percy liked water, and Leo like fire. I have another friend, Jason, who was obsessed with lightning.

"William here wants to try and go over the wall again."

"Perseus don't call me William."

"Okay, don't call me Perseus then."

"You two argue like an old married couple."

"Shut up, Leonidas."

"So, should we meet up here tonight?" I asked.

"Nah, tonight's pizza night." Percy said. I completely understood. Pizza before getting caught with your friends trying to escape Elysium. And no, I wasn't being sarcastic. I freaking love pizza.

"Okay, cool. See ya." I tapped out of the conversation and checked my TapDate to see if there was any hot gay singles in the area. Except for me, there wasn't any. So I turned around and jogged back home.

When I got back home, it was lunch. My dad was still riding around in his car somewhere, and my mom was watching a show on her Tap. Although you can't see other people's Taps, I'm good at guessing what people are doing on their Tap. If they're staying really still for a long period of time, they're probably watching something. If they're swiping to the left occasionally, they're reading.

Really, to people without knowledge of Taps, it must look odd. Just swiping and poking the air in front of your face. I turned on my Tap and started reading a book, while some random song from the Old World started playing. All the songs from Elysium sound so...fake. The old songs were written and sung by real people, instead of machines.

I looked up from my Tap at the other buildings, and wondered why nobody else was dying to know what was past the walls. I tried looking it up, but all it said was crap about how Elysium was so great and past the walls was nothing but a barren wasteland. Thus earning the name the Barrenland.

I wonder why I'm so interested in the Barrenland.

Maybe I just actually had a mind of my own.

The Elysium Project (Solangelo AU) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now