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By the way, the walls are sloped, not flat.


While laying in bed, listening to music, I decided that tonight was a good night for another attempt up the wall. I wasn't going to tell Percy or Leo about it, as I want to try to go alone. And as it was foggy, nobody would see me.

So I slipped on my sweatshirt, and snuck downstairs, and outside.

I ran through the alleyways, block after block, until I came across a large gray wall.

I grabbed the rope that I stole from a drawer in the kitchen, and threw it up on a small tear in the metal. It caught on, and I had a way up for about 8 feet up. So I started walking up the curved slope, and eventually climbed the somewhat-flat walls.

I put my foot on the tear, where I saw a frame from the interior of the wall. And using the rope, I caught another tear about 5 feet up and 20 feet to the left. Using that, I pretty much used the rope as a vine in a cliche jungle movie where the people act like monkeys.

Once the rope was still, I started climbing. And I repeated throwing the rope and climbing until I was almost at the top. I fell about 5 or 6 times, but it's okay, because now I was only a few feet from freedom.

"Wow." I said, viewing Elysium at eye-level. Our house was on the third and fourth floor, yes, our apartments were multi-level, lower than this, so I haven't really seen Elysium from this high up. The tallest buildings here were about 200 feet, so it wasn't really seeing everything from a birds eye view. It was still cool to be this high up though, with nothing stopping me from falling.

Luckily I didn't. How ironic would it be if I did fall.

So as I started climbing up, I noticed the security android patrolling.

"Crap." And then someone knocked it out with a stick.

I saw a pale bony hand grabbing a large stick, and another on top of the wall. So I pulled myself up on the three feet wide gat in between the slope up and down, and grabbed one of the hands.

"Need help?" He had a face like 'Who is this kid and why is he helping me.' He pulled his hand away, which let me know that he wasn't the kind of person to trust instantly.

"I'm fine." He muttered under his breath.

"Are you su-"

"I'm fine." I looked down, and more closely. I couldn't see his eyes, but he was a very pale kid around my age, with night black hair and clothes that were obviously too big for him.

He made it up, after what seemed like half an hour. Okay, I was exaggerating, but he didn't scale the whole thing in 5 minutes, let me tell you. I was surprised that he was able to knock out the android.

"So, what's your name?" I asked, trying to sound casual.

"Why does it matter?"

"I don't know. I just want to ask who helped me finally climb this damn wall."

"Why are you wanting to climb it anyway?" He asked, obviously confused. "Do you want to go to that place?"

"I was just curious. Why are you going to Bore-lysium?"

"I'm tired of being starving." And since I brought some leftover spaghetti in a bag for some reason, I gave it to him.



"Why not? You said you were starving?"

"It could be poisoned. I don't trust people, not even overly optimistic blondes that I found on a wall." He blushed a bit, but it went away.

I mean, if he wasn't starving, then maybe he would look handsome. He looked up, and I saw his chocolate brown eyes.

But, alas, all the hot guys are straight.

"Is it really that bad there?" I asked to break the silence.

"Yeah. I left Elysium at a young age, as my parents smuggled me over the border. It was okay, but then one of my close friends died. A lot of people there are insane and try to eat you." He looked up at the sky. "What's it like in Elysium?"

"Kind of dull. It's the same thing everyday. And there's no wildlife, except for the fake grass and the potted trees."

"But are you safe?"

"Yeah. It's like living in a box where you have everything you need to live, but nothing else. I just want to open the box."

"Just, one thing."


"The Barrenland isn't any sort of good thing to explore. You would die in a day. Please don't go over there. I can't stop you, but please."

"So you are going to be here in Elysium now?" I asked.

"Maybe not yet." He said. "I didn't think that I would be successful in climbing the wall." He looked over, as if he thought it was a dream.

"Maybe we could meet up by the wall?" I suggested. "Every few nights we could meet up here and talk about Elysium and the Barrenlands. And maybe we'll choose which one we want to be in."

"Maybe." He still didn't trust me.

"You don't have to."

"I guess I have nothing better to do. I don't like people, but Bianca always told me to try and move on with my life." I assumed Bianca was either his mother or the friend he mentioned earlier.

"It's Will." I said.


"My name. I'm Will Solace." I held out my hand, and Nico looked confused.

"You're supposed to shake it." I said, gesturing to my hand.

"Oh." He shook my hand slightly. "I'm Nico."

"Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow, Nico." I grabbed the rope, and another one that I kept. They were both around 50 feet, so I tied them together, and attached it to the top of the wall. "You can use this to help you up."

"Thanks, I guess."

"Goodbye, Nico." I started climbing down the wall.

"Goodbye, Will."

I looked up, and noticed the sky was clearing. The stars shined through the blackout Elysium was having. It was the first time I saw the stars in a while.

The Elysium Project (Solangelo AU) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now