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I just realized that I left a crapton of plotholes in the last chapter.


It's been weeks or years since I first arrived here. I don't know, the sky's always a permanent navy color that fades into sky blue.

The other Olympians call it Olympus.

The hallucinations had stopped, thankfully. It was just the Olympians messing with me. They made me one of them.

I've tried and tried to recreate Will, but I always end up a broken wreck whenever I manage to. Its never quite right, never quite the same.

I looked up at the starless sky, remembering the stars Will named me after.

My sky full of stars, he used to call me.

I'm almost happy that there's no stars. If there were, I'd never be able to look up.

"Thinking about Will?" One of the Olympians, Apollo, asked. He was kind to me, because even though Zeus, the head Olympian made almost everyone, Apollo created Will, modeling him after himself. It almost hurts to look at Apollo, they could have easily passed as father and son.

"Yes." I looked down, at the marble tiles lining the streets.

"Elysium is a strange place. Everyone lives in ignorant bliss, which, even though it sounds beautiful, the truth can be better in the long run. You took the hard, but surviable amount of pain now rather than the unbearable pain later, if you were to stay and have fallen for Will further." He gave me his small bit of wisdom, and walked away to join his sister.

I looked back up at the starless, eternal sky, and knew what to do.

As I focused, small dots began to appear, and I got a seating headache, like I do whenever I manipulate large pieces of matter like the sky.

I continued to focus, and as I watched, two constellations appeared. One was a girl, stretching out a bow and arrow. The other was a man, just a simple man, who was sitting and smiling.

Bianca and Will. My sister and my lover.

I guess it's quite ironic.

He always said I was his sky full of stars.

I guess it was the other way around.

The Elysium Project (Solangelo AU) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now