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Possibly Home


I don't know why I trust Will, but I do.

Every other day for the past two months we've been meeting up by that wall. Even though he is only able to bring a little bit of food without getting caught by his parents, I haven't been so well-fed in my life. I still hunted, but it was much easier.

When we first met, I was on the verge of starvation. Now, I was still very skinny, but I am not "as skinny as a stick." according to Will. He has some odd sayings from the old world, but its kind of cute. I couldn't wait to see him again. Not just for the food.

Now that it was fall, Will would be turning 18 and getting his own house. Apparently when people turn 18, they get a house that belonged to someone who recently moved out and into their new lover's house, or who died. And they also got a car.

And I wanted to ask him for so long, but could never get the chance. I want to move in with him when he gets his new house. Not in a romantic way, but more of a I-need-a-place-to-live-until-I-have-my-own-Tap kind of way. It takes a while for people to get a Tap, as there's over a million people in Elysium and you get them at age 12.

I decided to go hunting for some food, and I didn't come back until later.


Grabbing the rope that Will placed for me, I started making my way up the wall. Grab, pull, step. Grab, pull, step. I made it up to the flatter part of the wall, which was a lot harder to climb. I had to use the upper body strength I acquired from doing this almost nightly. Eventually I pulled myself onto the wall, and watched as the blond-haired boy climb up the rope.

"Hi, Will." I said once he finished climbing the rope.

"Hey." His hair blew in the Autumn breeze. He threw me a black jacket, which looked new. "For this winter when you get cold."

"I was thinking, Will..." I started.


"Maybe, now you don't have to agree, but maybe if you wouldn't mind I might be able to stay in your new apartment when you get it? Just until I'm ready to become a full citizen in Elysium."

"Why not? I'm turning 18 in a few days. Four, to be exact." He tossed me an apple.

"Thank you. I'm not sure how I could make it up to you."

He gave me a hug.

"No problem." I watched as he turned on his Tap, and watched as he touched the air. After muttering to himself a few times, he turned it off quickly, and faced me.


"Yes?" I turned to him.

I expected him to say something, maybe change his mind about me moving in with his apartment.

Or maybe to turn back around.

Or hand me food.

Maybe even punch me in the face. I don't know why a part of me thought that.

But he kissed my cheek instead.

I was shocked for a second. The kiss only lasted a second, but it felt a lot longer, as if we were frozen in the moment.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that Nico please don't hate me I shouldn't have I just really like you I'm sorry I'm not sure if you like boys or not." He was speaking really quickly, and looked very embarrassed.

"No, its fine. I don't mind." I whispered. "I don't hate you for it."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. I'm perfectly fine with it. I just didn't realize that's how you felt."

"I'm sorry if I ruined our friendship."

"Will, how many times do I have to tell you. Its. Fine." I shivered, and unzipped the jacked Will gave me and put it on. It was a bit big, but a lot better than the other one that I had. It was almost non-existent with the amount of holes in it.

I gave him a shy smile. He looked nervous.

"I kind of liked it." I told him. "I just feel like were moving too fast. I've only known you for two months."

"I know. I barely even know you. Except for what you've told me about the Barrenlands." It was true. We never really talked as much up here, just enjoyed each other's company. Sometimes Will told me stories about Elysium, and sometimes I told him stories about the Barrenlands.

"What's your favorite color?" Will asked. "Mine's a soft yellow, like light coming through a window."

I forgot what a window was for a second, but then remembered it was a large hole with glass in it.

"I like the color of the sky between dusk and night. Not black, but a very dark blue."

There was an awkward silence, then Will said "I would ask you things like your favorite movie and favorite book, but I'm not sure if you've read any books or seen any movies."

"I haven't. What about what's your favorite season?" I asked. "I like autumn, as it's a perfect temperature outside."

"I like summer, where it's always sunny outside. But I also like how late the sun rises in winter. Although I'm not a morning person, I can't seem to wake up past sunrise."

"You're not? You seem like the kind of person to be a morning person."

"I'm not, yet I come from a whole family of morning people."

"I guess we would get along fine. I just sleep whenever I can. Most people sleep at night, but just in case, I sleep from a while after dusk until a while before dawn."

"Makes sense, you don't want anyone killing you in your sleep."

"So, on your birthday, should I meet here and you take me to your apartment?"

"Sure. Then I can try and get you your Tap."

"Okay, I'll see you in four more days, Will." I lifted myself up off the wall, and started climbing down into the Barrenlands.

The Elysium Project (Solangelo AU) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now