Chapter Fifty-Three

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'So she said, more bellowed. She's not happy. Worried to death.' Badger said with a hearty laugh. 'But you're here now. Safe, I assume, and not followed.'

Dupont shook her head. 'Lord Frangag carried us and she made sure she was hidden.'

'Frangag? One of the Knoll Spirits?' Badger frowned. 'Why'd she help you?'

Dupont fidgeted, clearly not wanting to lie but not feeling comfortable in telling the truth either, as Fox stepped in with a hefty shrug.

'Don't matter, does it?'

Badger glanced down at him and rubbed the back of his neck. 'It doesn't I guess, lad. Anyway, I guess we should really begin planning. It's the Granite Tower you want, isn't it?'

Fox and Dupont both bobbed their head in confirmation.

'The Grand Wizard, Lithgow?'

They nodded again, Dupont more enthusiastically this time while Fox barely moved his head. He suddenly didn't like the idea now it was under his nose; real and close enough to touch. He didn't know Lithgow, didn't know if he was trustworthy and noble. If he really was the ex-lover of Cassandra Bloxham, wouldn't he want Dupont dead the most? He twisted up his face in thought as he began to truly assess the situation and how risky it was to come forward to a Grand Wizard, especially when Dupont had really proven how weak a Wizard she was. Before, he hadn't cared. He just wanted his Eye back; what happened to Dupont was irrelevant. Now that was gone and he was actually helping Dupont because he wanted to, Lithgow didn't seem like the end goal he'd first thought he was. He stole a glance at Dupont, taking in her soft features, and a sense of protectiveness surged in him. He wouldn't let anyone hurt her and his instincts screamed this was going to end badly.

Badger hummed in thought. 'First, I'll get my scouts to pinpoint dangers but I wouldn't go to Granite Tower, Vixen.'

Dupont frowned. 'Why not? Lithgow is there.'

'Our Tower is up in arms over the death of your aunt, Grand Wizard Cassandra, and it's very old news you're heading here. The Tower will be waiting to arrest you the moment you're spotted.'

'Oh.' Dupont mumbled miserably.

'But that doesn't mean Lithgow won't come out of the Tower. As soon as I have more information, I suggest a meeting.'

Fox's stomach churned a little. 'A meeting?'

'Invite Lithgow somewhere secluded and safe and let Vixen talk with him.'

Fox wasn't sure why but he didn't like that. He glanced up at Dupont, noting how vibrant her eyes were and her face was flushing pink with excitement, and it made his stomach twist further.

'Could be a trap.'

'And we'll be ready for that.'

'Against a Grand Wizard?'

Badger shrugged. 'Don't underestimate us, Fox. Have some faith.'

Fox pulled a face. It wasn't that he didn't have faith in his own people, it was that they were up against the Granite Grand Wizard and god knows how many others Wizards.

'You both stay in my shop. Vixen, you don't even leave to go upstairs. Fox, I might be able to use you once you've cleaned up.' Badger instructed. 'As soon as I know the layout, we can start figuring out what to do next. We at least have the upper hand of time. The Tower shouldn't have realised you're here already.'

Fox hoped so but it wasn't going to last, not with the.

'Contact whoever you need to. Medical equipment is in that room,' Badger gestured with his thick chin to a door, chipped from god knows what. 'A basin is in there too. I'll be back down soon.' Then Badger turned back up the stairs, taking his massive bulk of a body up the stairs and back into his shop.

Fox sighed but didn't have much time to try and think as Dupont had arrested him and yanked him towards the chipped door. She flung it open, shoved him onto the stool in there and yanked open the cupboards, he assumed in search of the medical box Badger mentioned.

'I'm fine, Dupont.'

'You're not.' She snapped back and pulled out a large white tin in triumph.

She put the box on the counter beside the basin and detached Absolon from her head. He didn't resist and just floated about the air, twirling aimless and tapping the light with his tiny arms playfully.

With a small cloth drenched in water, Dupont crouched in front of him and gently began to dab away some of the dirt and remaining crusted blood.

Fox didn't particularly like it. Partly because it stung when she touched his split lip and other minor cuts but also because she was close to him. He found himself growing warm when her looked at her face; eyeing her intense gaze and her lips parts in focus, the flush of skin whenever her eyes flickered to connect with his and hurriedly glancing away. He told himself looking away was probably best but found he couldn't. He gazed at her, letting the hot warmth spread from his chest and feeling oddly cared for as she treated what she could within her limited knowledge. It was the same intense warmth he felt back when she had tried to deck him back at Catriona's; the feeling that made his hands twitch to hold hers and pull hr close to him.

'Lithgow may be trouble.' Fox blurted out, breaking the silence but not the eye contact. He liked looking at her, despite her eyes being off. He looked forward to when the glamour wasn't needed anymore.

Surprise flashed over her face and the shy pink faded and replaced with offence. 'Lithgow will help us, Fox.'

'I don't know him. He could be trouble.' Fox said darkly, not liking the swell of protection he felt at the thought of Lithgow being nothing but a trap. 'He's a Grand Wizard and the ex-lover of your aunt. He could hate you.'

The familiar anger flashed over her features and she straightened her back as her eyes narrowed. The same snooty, defensive stature she always took when she was upset with him. Oddly, he remembered it being far more irritating to him than it was now. Instead it made him smile inwardly.

His thoughts were interrupted and he hissed at the burning pain the cotton swab created. Dupont pulled away, muttered a quick apology then pressed it again.

'Lithgow is a sane man and he loves me dearly.' She continued. 'If he does suspect me to be the murderer, which he will not because he knows how useless I am with magic, he will test my truth. My truth is I didn't harm my aunt, Denver did. His anger will then be redirected to who deserved it and he will protect me politically and magically.'

Fox narrowed his eyes. 'The Ivory Tower was quick to blame you and hunt you down, Dupont. They didn't question your awful magic.'

She looked a little lost for words there but she continued to hold onto Lithgow blindly and stubbornly. 'He will stand up for me. He will, Fox. I know and trust him.'

Fox wasn't overly convinced and, as he watched her clean the bloody grazes on his hands, her pale fingers lightly brushing his rough skin, the protectiveness grew. He didn't understand it, he just knew it was there and he wasn't one to fight his gut.

Without thinking, he let his hand grip Dupont's, watching how his swallowed up hers. It felt so small and light, fragile.

'Just be careful, Dupont. Everythin' can fall apart now if we're not cautious.' Fox warned intensely, fixating his gaze on hers.

Her face turned a vibrant pink and her eyes glowed before she nodded and quickly pulled herself away, leaving Fox's hand feeling empty and cold.

'I have been careful, Fox, and I will continue to be.' She stammered nervously. 'I'll leave you to clean up now.'

Then she fled from the room, taking Absolon with her.

Fox stared at the closed door, his fingers clenching and un-clenching as he ran over the worst cases scenarios. All ended in Dupont's death and the lie she was a murderer becoming the truth in the public's eyes.

Fox gritted his teeth against the anger that flared in him. He'd sooner die than let that happen.

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