he's like fine wine- red and bitter as fuck

522 31 12

aw yeah tis the second part to the brytoonz au (kinda)

It was gonna be longer but tbh im too lazy to fix up the other half of it. Maybe on saturday I'll do it idk. Im busy today n tomorrow so uhhhhhh yeah idk anymore i started writing fanfic out of spite idk how i got here


“He's in here,” Cartoonz says, opening the door to reveal a man in blue sitting on a bed. “I got all kinds of tools in that red box there. You use whatever you need.”

Bryce nods. He doesn't know what to say in this kind of situation. “Okay.”

“Remember,” Cartoonz says, “If he doesn't live, you don't either.”

The door is shut before Bryce can respond, and he's left all alone with a potentially unconscious man on a bed. Bryce takes a moment to assess the sight before him. Tall, messy hair dyed a dark blue, scars up and down his face and a single finger missing off his left hand. There's also a big, bloodied gash across his right thigh and a horrible bite mark on his right arm. Not to mention the tiny cuts along his exposed skin, and what might be glass shards scattered around him.

He's also conscious, Bryce notes, because he can feel the intense gaze of brown eyes staring at him from below.

Bryce sighs, quiet and discontent, and then begins to work. He carefully rolls up the sleeves, aware of the man's staring (and pain), and gets ready to clean it. “This is gonna hurt,” he warns. “Brace yourself.”

He gets a rag soaked in alcohol ready, about to clean. A hand grasping onto his arm startles him, though. He looks up at the guy- Delirious, if he remembers correctly- and frowns at the worried expression on his face.

“Hold my hand,” Delirious whines. “I don't like hurting.”

Bryce thinks. He's pretty sure he can do this part with just one hand. He gives Delirious his wish and grabs hold of his hand tightly, the other going to quickly clean the bloodied mess that was, well… Delirious. Said man screams bloody murder the second the rag makes contact with his skin.  Bryce hisses in pain as dull nails dig into the back of his hand, and the death grip Delirious has doesn't help either.

Nonetheless, he makes quick work of that wound and sets to stitching it up. In place of his hand, Bryce sets a teddy bear in Delirious’ hand. It seems to work just the same, and Bryce is positive he can hear Delirious muttering to the thing too. When he's done, he smiles brightly at Delirious in hopes of raising the mood. “That's one down. You're doing great, Delirious. I need… I need to see the one on your thigh, though. So… you know…”

The response he gets is a mixture of pained grumbles and incoherent babbles. He has to help Delirious stand up and wriggle out of the tattered jeans. Bryce helps him back onto the bed, saying nothing about the faded scars along the very top of his thighs, going up under his boxers. He's thankful that this one isn't as bad. Or, rather, nothing that requires stitching.

He wipes it clean (which went a lot better than the first time, thankfully) and bandages it. “You'll want to change the bandages tomorrow morning, probably. Lunchtime at the latest.”

Bryce then smiles at Delirious once more. Delirious is now wearing a hockey mask, though he doesn't dare question it. “Well, if that's all, then I'll be on-”

“Luke said to not let you leave,” Delirious says almost monotonously. It sends shivers down Bryce's back. “You have to stay.”

(He briefly wonders if Luke and Cartoonz are the same person. They have to be, though, because this tiny place seems much too small to hold anyone else besides the two of them.)

Bryce hesitates. “Are you-”

Click. A gun is pointed directly at Bryce's forehead. “Luke said not to let you leave.”

Alright then. Guess who’s not leaving because Luke said so? Bryce sighs in defeat. He sits in a chair off to the side and watches as Delirious limps out of the room with as much grace as a wounded man can have. The door clicks shut behind him, and Bryce is left alone in the strange room.

He takes the chance to look around for once. There's a cute little lamp on a dresser, though it's not plugged in. In fact, the only light in the room is coming from a second lamp, a tall one just by the bed. It's flickering slightly. Bryce isn't sure how he missed that before.

The rest of the room is a mess. Clothes all over the floor, a trash can knocked over and spilling its contents everywhere, not to mention a couple more teddy bears sitting in the weirdest places. Bryce shifts uncomfortably at the sight. It makes him feel like he's being watched, and he doesn't like it one bit. Still… he's gonna have to get used to it. Who knows how long that Luke guy wants him to stay in here.

Speaking of Luke,  where is he? Bryce wants to go out and look for him, but apparently he's not allowed to leave. He decides to sit on the bed. It's much more comfortable than the old folding chair, and considering he has no idea how long he's gonna be here…

Yeah. Might as well make himself nice and cozy. Bryce bounces on the bed a little, giggling at how nice the mattress is. For two potential murderers, they sure knew where to spend their money. Soda deals and a nice mattress? Bryce is more than jealous right now. Once he's made himself comfortable, Bryce leans back against the wall. He's a little chilly, but for some odd reason this bed has no blanket, so Bryce is stuck shivering in the cold for now. Fun, fun times.

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