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"Kim Taehyung! I'm getting sick of calling you!" Jin yelled from the kitchen, shouting for the missing member. They were all gathered eating breakfast, getting ready for their day. "Jungkookie, go get him."

"Why me?" Jungkook said with a mouthful of food. 

"Because he likes you the most" Jimin waggled his eyebrows at the maknae and winked. Jungkook blushed furiously and stared into his food. He'd normally have a good comeback for his hyung but he just sat there, secretly wishing it was true. He sighed and walked up the stairs, ignoring the suggestive looks from the other members. He stood outside Taehyung's door, feeling weird. 

"V hyung?" he said, trying to listen for any movement but only silence followed. Sucking in a breath, Jungkook opened the door slowly in case something was happening he wasn't supposed to see. The curtains were still drawn so he could only just see the lump in the bed that was Tae. "Taehyungie?" Jungkook tiptoed over. "Jin hyung is getting mad at you," He whispered as he peered at Tae. He was sleeping peacefully on his side, snuggled down with the quilt up to his nose. 

Jungkook's breath caught in his chest as he was distracted by the older boy's beauty. His long eyelashes, perfect curve of his nose and the way his hair fell across his forehead were all things Jungkook loved to look at. Sometimes when they would share a bed, he would watch Taehyung sleep. He blushed, realising he was just stood there watching him. 

He poked his cheek but frowned when he noticed how pale Tae's skin was and also how hot he felt to touch. He leaned down and pressed his hand properly against the older's cheek. "TaeTae?" He whispered and climbed onto the bed so he was leaning over him. He shook his shoulder gently and Tae's eyes opened slowly. 

"Kookie?" he muttered, a bit dazed. He turned over onto his back so he could look up at the maknae. "You're here," He smiled slowly, eyes closing again. 

"Ahh, you're sick hyung," Jungkook went to move so he could go tell Jin but Tae turned over and wrapped his arm around the younger's waist, trapping him. 

"Don't go..." He heard Tae softly whisper into him. Jungkook's heart fluttered at the words and stared down at him, mouth slightly open. 

"You have a're delusional..." Jungkook tried to laugh, nervously. He took out his phone and quickly texted the group chat. 

JK: TaeTae is sick. He has a fever and he's sleeping. 

S: And you couldn't come and tell us this, why?


JK: I'm gonna stay and take care of him. 

JH: u bet u r *wink wink*

JM: Wat did I tell u????

J: ahh this is so cute!

RM: k, I'll let the mnger know. Look after him! We're leaving soon

JM: so if u can wait 5 mins, u can 'take care of him' then ;)

JK: Shut up! He's actually sick!

JH: ;) ;) ;)

Jungkook stopped texting and dropped his phone, rolling his eyes at his hyungs stupid comments. It made his chest hurt thinking about how he felt for Taehyung, knowing that it's not how he feels back. 

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