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Jungkook was sitting uncomfortably in the van heading back to the dorm. They just finished the recording for their Not Today comeback stage at Mnet.

"Oh hey, they sent us the recording to watch," Joonie said from up front.

"Already?" Jin leaned over and grabbed his phone. Rapmon made an annoyed noise at his hyung's impatience but let him continue with a fond look on his face.

"I can't see," Taehyung piped up from next to Jungkook and leaned forward over the younger, resting his hand on Kookie's knee. Jungkook flinched at his hyung's touch but was grateful Tae didn't notice. He licked his lips nervously and sat up so he could see, leaning on Tae's shoulder, the warmth from his hyung comforting him.

Each of them made comments about each other, complimenting their looks and dancing.

"Kookie you look so handsome!" Tae admired whilst it was Jungkook's dance solo, his adorable box smile on his face. Jungkook smiled a little to himself, happy with the compliment from Tae but he wasn't really paying attention.

He was mesmerised by the boy in a white bomber jacket and headband. During the performance he was completely thrown off his groove when Taehyung started singing. He'd heard his voice so many times live but there was just something about his tone today that turned Kookie on. His heart had skipped a beat but luckily his mistake just looked like part of the dance. He had to block everything out as his trousers were unfortunately tight in this performance.

He watched, eyes focusing onto Tae whenever he was on screen - Jungkook had become a bit of an expert at that...

He loved the way his body moved to the music and the facial expressions that came when Tae danced. He felt himself grinning like an idiot. He watched 'Together we will die', the way Tae sounded when speaking English drove Kookie crazy. He noticed that Tae moved behind Jin as he bent over, placing his hand on his back and moving his hips. 

Jungkook's tongue poked his cheek in annoyance and felt himself glare at the back of Tae's head. He finished watching with his hyungs and sat back. Why did he do that? It wasn't in the practice.... He knew he was being silly but he just didn't like the fact that his Tae moved like that on Jin. Why can't he get behind me like that...

Kookie flinched, realising the thought that went through his head. His Tae? Where did that come from... 

He glanced at Tae, trying to be discreet. The pabo was still wearing the headband from the performance. Jungkook gulped. His soft hair fell on top of it, pushed back so you can see his forehead, something Kookie only really got to see when Tae was asleep. His jawline looked strong in the dim light of the van and he noticed how much of a perfect profile Taehyung actually had. 

Tae's hand was still squeezing Kookie's knee as he was leaning forward talking to Jin. His stomach kept flipping when he thought of that part in the video and made an annoyed clicking noise with his tongue. Kookie turned his head and moved his leg so Tae wasn't touching him anymore. Tae noticed and looked back but Kookie was ignoring him. the van came to a stop outside their home and Jungkook had leapt out, slamming the door behind him.

"Jungkookie, wait. You need to eat!" Jin called when he noticed Jungkook heading for the stairs once they entered. 

"Not hungry," Jungkook snapped and leapt up the stairs. He didn't mean to come across like that but he needed to cool down and shake this feeling off. Pulling his headphones out his pocket, he flung himself on the bed in the dark and put them in, shutting everyone else out. 

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