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"She, she what?" Romeo stuttered.

"She died when I was 16. I moved here a year later because my father got a promotion and he couldn't pay the bills for such a big house."

"I'm sorry about your mother. Why didn't you tell me she passed?"

"Because it's not something I tell strangers."

Romeo scoffs. "We're far from strangers, don't you think?"

"No, we're exactly that. I don't know the first thing about you."

"That's because it's a secret. Which I've been really debating on telling you or not."

"Well, what's stopping you?" I whisper.

"I'm afraid. Afraid that you'll run away from me. From the truth, rather. In fact, I know you will."

"Or not. Why don't you tell your mom to go? Then you can come inside, have some cookies and milk, and we can talk."

"Milk and cookies?" he chuckles. "Are we seven?"

"Is something wrong with that?" I frown.

"No, it's adorable. You're adorable," he says and kisses my forehead. "I'll tell my mom to come to pick me up later. Before your father comes."

"Ok. I'll start getting the ingredients," I smile.

"Ok babe," he winks and walks away, leaving me flushed.

"Ok, tell me," I command as I close the oven and set a timer.

"Ok, but first, promise me you won't freak out or go running to the police. This is all about trust. Do you trust me?"

"I do whisper," I whisper.

"I'm a werewolf," he says.

"And I'm an earthworm."

"No seriously. I am. My eyes turn black when I'm angry, jealous, or full of lust. I growl a lot. I have super hearing, strength, speed, sight-"

"Prove it," I interrupt.

"Prove it?" I nod. "You do know what you're asking right?" Again, I nod. "Fine, follow me," he says and pulls my wrist. He pulls me out of the house, across the street, passes several houses until we were in the mouth of a forest.

"Oh, great, I'm being kidnapped," I say sarcastically.

"Charlotte," he says seriously and I instantly stop. "What you are about to see may be the most the interesting, scariest, weirdest thing in your entire life. What you see cannot be spoken to or about unless I'm present. Is this clear?"


"Ok. Don't freak out," he repeats. And he begins moving.

His body rattles, his temperature is rising, his entire body increasing in height and weight. His already large muscles were doubling in size. His teeth started becoming extremely sharp, his exposed skin grew hair at an incredible pace. What. Is. Happening?

The wolf had extremely dark black fur, stood at least seven foot and had piercing blue eyes. Not what I have thought a wolf would actually look like. Especially Romeo's.

My ears, widen, my breath picking up speed. I slowly back away.

"Wait," I hear a female voice command. I scream and turn around. I sigh in relief when I recognize Italia. But then I remembered: she's one of them too. And I back away from her and the black wolf. "I would never hurt you. Romeo would kill me," she says. She sounds serious too. Oh damn. This is all real. This is all real.

"What are you doing here?" I murmur.

"I'm here because I knew that when Romeo shifted, he wouldn't be able to communicate with you."

"So, you're here as a translator?"

"And to make sure you don't run away and tell our secret," she adds and I lift my eyebrow in confusion. "Not that we think you would, but, just in case."

"Ok? I think."

"So, do you have any questions?"

"How are you able to translate? You're human, he's..." I look over to the wolf who was staring at me intently. "He's not."

"We have a mind link. Whether we are human to human, human to wolf, wolf to wolf, or even wolf to wolves. The link works in magical ways. Usually up to a five-mile radius. But I heard it works the best with Alphas and Lunas."

"What's an Alpha and a Luna?"

"Think about it as king and queen. Equal rank, but ultimately, the Alpha is superior."

"How do you determine who is Alpha?"

"Same way as a monarchy. It's passed on through generation. From father to son, to son and so on. However, any wolf can choose to overthrow him, if he has a death wish," she laughs and the wolf snorts. I'm going to assume he's agreeing with her.

"So, where do you rank?"

"Oh. I'm just a warrior. I am the Alpha's younger sister though. So, if we're ranking from 1-10, I would say I'm at a three or even a four. The same thing would go for my mate, Hudson. We're under Betas and the Third in Commands. Betas are an Alpha's right-hand man and the same goes for Third in Commands."

"Hudson too?! Is there any more I don't know who's not a werewolf?"

"Your father, honestly. Basically, the entire school is full of wolves. Even most of the teachers and the principle, are all wolves."

"Wait, what's a mate?"

Italia and the wolf share a knowing look and suddenly the wolf is breaking his bones. The bones are smaller and are repositioning. In the wolf's place was now Romeo. A very naked Romeo. I blink before looking away.

"Italia, can you hand me a pair of shorts? And a shirt if you have one?"

"No problem," she mutters and walks away while I try my best to not look at Romeo.

"Are you looking somewhere else so you wouldn't see me shift back into a human or because I'm naked?"

"Both," I say with a low chuckle.

Finally, Italia returns with clothes for Romeo and she leaves almost immediately after that. After they exchange a mysterious nod of course.

"So, mates?" I repeat once we're alone.

Romeo sighs loud and dramatically as if he's about to tell me a life-changing story.

"Mates are-"

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