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I made it through the week. Well, almost. Today is Friday and I couldn't be happier. The school was hectic and crazy, but at least next week will be easier. Hopefully.

Today I really didn't feel like getting dressed so I wore jeans with some rips, a grey sweater, and my converse. I threw my hair up in a loose bun and skipped makeup for today. I grabbed my phone and bag and some breakfast before leaving.

I walked as I ate my granola bar. The bus came a little late today, but I didn't mind. I went and sat in the back of the bus as usual. It's been an easy routine and by now everyone has stopped looking towards me like I was crazy.

When we arrived at the last stop, I was surprised as I saw Romeo alongside Italia. Romeo has been taking his motorcycle to and from home, but he's in all my classes since the second day of school I pretend I don't see Romeo and smile when I see Italia.

"Hey what's up?" I ask as she sits down. Romeo sits down in the seat in front of her, a couple of feet from me. I notice how tired she looked.

"Just a little exhausted. I didn't want to come today, but I had to make sure that you got an invite."

"An invite? To what?"

"A party! What else?" she laces with sarcasm.

"A p-party? I don't know Italia."

"Come on! It'll be fun!"

"When is it?"

"Tomorrow. My house. From 8-2."

"Two in the morning?! Are you crazy?" What kind of party ended that late?

"Have you ever been to a party before? Well, you probably have. You were probably home before eleven, weren't you?" she assumes and I blush. "Anyway, my parties are far more epic and entertaining. There's going to be tons of people, alcohol, games. Did I mention alcohol?"

"Yes," Romeo groans, his first time speaking.

"What's wrong with you?" I can't help but ask.

"Nothing. It's just that we just had a party."

"Two actually. One for my birthday and one for back-to-school. I was turning 17 and it's Romeo's last year in high school!"

"Oh. I thought you were a senior too?"

"No, I'm unfortunately a junior. You and Romeo and maybe some other kid are the only two seniors on this bus."

"So when do you turn 18?" I turned to Romeo, curious.

"Well, I was born on October 30. Around 11:58 pm. I was early by two freaking minutes!" he pouts.

"So I'm guessing you like Halloween?" I giggle from his boyish charm and his ears turn pink.

"Like? Ro lives for it. He finds it better than his own birthday and Christmas combined." Romeo smirks at her words.

"Hell yeah, I do! You know how many pranks I pull? And this year is going to be my best year yet."

"How can you top pushing me into The Thames?" she wonders.

"What?!" I scream.

"She was fine. She didn't drown or anything. I don't even recall you even getting wet."

"I was in my bed. And you wouldn't help me get it out. I had to get a whole new bed!" she whines.

"Oh. Can you not do that to me? I kind of like my bed. And don't really have the money nor the patience to buy a new one."

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