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The walk back home wasn't a walk in the park. It took me a while, but it was worth it. There was no way I was walking home if it rained or snowed. I would stay and wait for the busses.

Since it was the first day, I didn't have any major homework. Just to get a few papers signed.

When I got home, I Immediately prepared my lunch and dinner. After I ate, I took a much-needed nap.


"I'm up-, I mean, I'm in my room," I correct. I look over and noticed it was past six. I slept for over four hours. Looks like I won't be going to sleep anytime soon.

"Hey, how was your first day?"

"Like any old day," I smile. "Food's in the oven."

"Thanks. Did you eat?"

"I'm not hungry," I shake my head. "Do you mind signing some sheets real quick?"

"Yeah, no problem." He signs the sheets and begins to leave. "Goodnight Charlie."


Before going to bed, I brush my teeth, change into pajamas and pick my outfit for tomorrow. I choose light blue skinny jeans, black flip-flops, and a white lace shirt. I set that out and went to bed. And by went to bed, I watched Netflix until 2 am.

I wake up with a slight start. Then I realize, I'm late. Note to self: set an alarm for naps so it doesn't ruin my sleep schedule. I quickly dress and apply mascara and concealer to make it look like I didn't just wake up. I put my hair up in a tight bun and pulled out some baby hairs. I grab my phone and bag and race out the door.

I fast-walk to the bus, luckily not missing it, and this time I decide to sit closer to the front and not the back.

We get through all the bus stops, and my heart pounds, almost burst of my chest when we stop at the last one.

They're back, my conscience tells me.

I keep my eyes forward towards the seat in front of me but keep my ears on high alert. I hear only Italia speaking. Maybe Romeo is in bad mood and isn't speaking. But, I don't smell him. Or hear his heavy footsteps, only Italia's light ones. She stops when she spots me sitting in the front.

"What are you doing there silly? You sit back here with me," she giggles. She grabs my wrist and pulls me towards the back. She sits exactly where she sat yesterday and she encourages me to do the same. I reluctantly sit down in the same seat as well.

"Um, thanks I guess."

"Anytime. You're welcomed to sit back here with me every day. Although, I'm one of those girls who comes like every other day," she informs me with a wink. "So you better be too."

"Oh, good to know. I'll be here most likely too." I couldn't tell if she was kidding or not. I hope she was.

The bus ride seemed longer than yesterday. Probably because there was a lot less drama today. However, I couldn't help but wonder: where was Romeo?

"He took his bike," Italia suddenly announces.


"Romeo. You asked where he is. He rode his motorcycle today," she explains.

"Oh," I flush. I didn't mean to ask out loud. The bus stops in front of the school. Once again, no one moves. I should ask Italia about that.

"Come on," Italia says grabbing my wrist once more and pulls me up. "Let's go."

"What's your first class?" I ask as we walk inside.

" I have technology with Professor Davie. What about you?"

"I have literature II," I answer.

"Oh," she smiles. "Which professor?"

"Uh, Professor Adams. He seems ok. He's been teaching for years," I say.

"Oh cool. My class is this way. See you later."

"Ok bye." Weird. The tech section is the other way. Maybe she's just meeting a friend.

I shrug it off and walked to Lit.

Walking in, I sat in my seat. I take out my notebook and a pen and set the date. The bell rings and the Professor walks in.

"Ok, today is our first official day of learning Literature. For the first semester, I will be reviewing, and the second year will be the new stuff. Ok, let's open your books to page six-"

A knock interrupts him.

"Who's interrupting my class?" Professor Adams growls softly and goes to open the door. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm in your class. Here's my slip," a familiar voice says and I look up as well as the other students.

There, standing in the doorway in all his glory is Romeo.

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