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*1 year later*

It's been 11 months, 3 weeks, 5 days, 18 hours, 34 minutes, and 16 seconds since mom has died. Or at least, since her funeral. Then it would be 11 months and four weeks.

I sit by the window and sigh as I look outside. It's bright and joyful. The sun is really out today, not a cloud in the sky. However, something's missing.

My mother.

There's not one moment of the day where I'm not thinking about her. Sometimes, I don't even realize how long I think about her until I realize the sun has gone down, and the moon is up. That has happened many times, especially in the beginning.

But I couldn't help it. I needed to mourn. And now that's it's been almost a year, I don't need to anymore.

Sure I have moments, but it's nothing like it was before.

"Charlie!" my dad calls from upstairs, probably in his office, working. That was his way of mourning.


"Can you come up for a second? I have something important to tell you."

"Be right there!" I call back. I sigh and look out the window one last time. My ugly reflection stares back.

I have my mom's light brown hair and my dad's light green eyes. I wished I was born with my mom's sapphire blue eyes, but I think that would only remind me of her even more. It's bad enough I look like her. I have her small height of 5'3 and her body shape.

I hated that I looked like her.

"Yes dad?" I say as I enter his office. He has been working from home lately, spending more time with me at home.

"I have some great news," he claims, bouncing up and down in his seat with pure happiness. He hasn't been this happy since my mom has passed.

"Oh yeah?" When was the last time I was told good news?

"I got a huge job offer! I'm going to be promoted to executive manager. How cool is that?"

"It's cool if you don't say cool," I joke. "I'm proud of you dad." I wrap my arms around his back and give him a big hug.

I really am proud of him. He's been hitting rock bottom ever since mom died. But, this is the greatest news since then.

"Thanks pumpkin. But, there's a catch. And I don't think you are going to like it," he frowns and I pull away. Before jumping onto his desk, I make sure there's no important things on there.


"It requires us moving."

"How far?"

"London," he answers.

"What?! Are you serious? London dad? Why?"

"Well, the company wants to expand. So they need someone who's been working for them a while to take the trip. And they chose me. I'll be everyone's boss, but I'll still have a boss," he explains.

"Did they choose you or did they offer it to you?" I ask, slightly suspicious.

"Sort of both. But I took it without hesitation. I thought it would be a great, new, fresh start. A good push to move on."

"Move on? Are you kidding me?!"

"Charlotte." I automatically knew that when he used my full name, it was either in trouble or he was being serious. "It has been a year since your mother died. I think she would have wanted me to take this offer, don't you?"

"I don't think mom would like us selling the house," I mumble.

"It has to be done. I'm sorry pumpkin. Start saying goodbye and start packing. We leave Thursday night. We have a very early flight to catch."

"That gives me less than a week to pack!"

"You'll have the rest of tonight and Sunday through Thursday afternoon."

"What about school?" I whisper.

"It's August 2nd, Charlie," my dad laughs. "You will be starting a new school for your last year of high school. I can't believe you will be 18 in just eight months. Then you will be off to college. Leaving me alone forever."

"Oh don't play the guilt card dad. You know I love you."

"If you love me, you will come to London with me without complaint."

"And if you love me, you won't force me to go," I smile.

"Touche," he laughs "But I already said I would take it. There's no turning back now."

"Fine," I grumble. "I'll move to London with you."

"I knew you would see it my way," my dad smiles and this time, it's his turn to hug me tight. "I love you. And your mother. And I truly believe she would have wanted this."

"I know dad," I slightly cry. "I know."

And the next thing I know, I am sobbing hard into his chest. Again.

I don't think I will ever not do that. It's just something I can't help doing whenever I am with him. Or when I am thinking about my mother.

Because I love my dad.

But I loved my mom even more.

I miss you mommy. Please, come back. I need you. We need you. I love you.

I love you too, Charlotte, I hear her voice speak and I know that it's just my conscience and not really her.

I close my eyes tight and hug my dad even tighter if that's possible.

And we just stand there. Embracing each other as I cry about moving and my late mother.

Officially edited.

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