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*Next Day*

Beep beep beep, goes alarm. It beeps at 5 am. The sun doesn't rise till 6:30. I leave 15 minutes after that.

I get up and take a shower, making sure to plug in my phone before doing so. I make sure to thoroughly wash every inch of my body. From the scalp of my head to the soles of my feet.

I step out and warp a fluffy towel around my hair and body. I immediately blow dry my blonde hair and curl it loosely. After that I do my makeup to make it seem like I actually slept last night, when in reality, I barely slept a wink.

I apply concealer and mascara to help my disgusting green eyes.

Once done with that, I head to my room to get dressed. I notice the time; a few minutes past six. Good thing I picked my outfit out.

I apply lotion, deodorant, and perfume before getting dress in my black halter top, my blue jeans and my black and white Adidas. I throw my plaid red, white and black flannel on top and grab my book bag along with my phone and head downstairs.

I hope I'm not late.

Since I'm not eating till I get home later, I make sure to eat a bowl of cereal and brush my teeth.

"Bye dad! Love you!"

"You got your keys?"

"I do."

"Ok, have a good first day Charlie."

"Thanks, bye!"

I close the door and start walking to the bus stop. As I am walking, I check the time. It's already 6:54.

Great, I'm officially late.

I start running to the bus stop. I see a few kids standing on a corner and make the assumption that that's where the bus stop is.

I could have slowed down, and speed walk to the bus stop, but I didn't. The bus comes out of nowhere and the students begin to step onto the bus.


I run faster than I did before, causing me to trip and fall. Causing everyone to laugh at me.

I am such as loser.

I pick up my stuff and flush. Hard. I pretend that nothing happened and walk to the awaiting bus.

As I step on, I hear the students giggle and whisper, but mostly, everyone stares. I start walking, extremely slowly, all the way to the back, where I don't see anyone sitting.

The second bus stop is about two miles away from my house. And twice as many people get on. No one dares to sit in the back. Even if it meant sitting 3 to a seat.

Perfect for me.

It looks like there was only two bus stops because the seats were beyond filled. But I was wrong as the bus stopped one last time.

There were no more seats! Except the three from the back where I am currently sitting. I put my back against the window and bring my knees to my chest, hoping to go unnoticed.

"Hey Romeo, Italia. Haven't seen you two in ages. What have you've been eating? Are you still growing? What are your parents feeding you?" the bus driver asks, laughing.

"It's good to see you too. Italia forced me to ride the bus today," Romeo says and I imagine him rolling his eyes. Plus, he voice sounds so sexy, husky, deep and hot. It could make any girl melt.

Stop it Charlotte. Great, now I'm talking to myself. I really am a loser.

"Say what you want to Ro. He's just cranky that his bike wouldn't cooperate with him this morning," Italia says giggling.

"Whatever," Romeo grumbles. "Let's go Lia."

Heavy footsteps, followed by light ones, make their way towards the back. Towards me.

"Who are you? And what are you doing in my seat?!" Romeo yells, more like roars, at me. I whimper and cry at his tone alone. It had so much power and authority.

I look up at his angry face. His eyes are jet black, filled with anger. His hair matches his eyes, which is spiky and almost every strand is sticking up. He's wearing a v-neck which shows of his guns, a bit of his tattoos, and a little of his abs. His dark blue jeans looked expensive with the rips and in general he looked hot. I think I'm drooling.

As soon as my green eyes met his black ones, everything seemed to change.

First, Romeo's eyes color did a complete 180. They transformed from black to a hazel color. His entire posture seemed to change as well, along with his angry expression on his face.

There was this feeling to make him mine. And that no one should be able to touch him or even gaze upon him except me. However, there was this other strong feeling, which was stronger and made more sense than the other feeling.

That was that this Romeo character was way too dangerous, and I should stay as far away from him and his sister as far away as possible. 

Officially edited.

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