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My eyes slowly flutter open, waking me from my pleasant sleep. I slowly sit up and stretch in bed for the first time. I look around and just everything seemed joyful.

My room seemed lighter, and not just because of the sun shining through my window. My bed sheets seemed brighter too, along with my rug beside it. Everything just seemed so positive and lively this morning.

I look next to me and the bright smile on my face turns straight into a frown.

He's gone.

Oh. Maybe it was just a dream? But it seemed to real to be a dream. I get up and notice I was still in my outfit from last night, but my boots were by the foot of my bed. I decide to shower; I felt extremely sore from last night.

Images suddenly flew through my mind and then I think of how blue my body just might be.

I groan as I glance at the mirror as I step at the shower. I was right. From head to toe, almost my entire body was covered in bruises. Looks like I'll be wearing sweats and makeup to try to conceal this from my father. Maybe he went in to get some hours in and I won't see him, or he won't see me.

The day actually passed within a huge blur. I had discovered that I had woken up around eleven in the morning and had gotten out the shower before 1 struck. I basically completed all my homework all day and ate here and then. Before I knew it, it was Monday morning again.

I dressed in light blue jeans, and a tank top and a sweatshirt on top of that. I threw on my ankle boots. I had to conceal my face with makeup and made sure none of the bruises were open to the human view before leaving.

As I walk to my bus stop, I listen to music. Even as the bus approaches and I sit in my usual seat, all the way in the back like usual, I listen to music. It's not common for someone like me to do this. It usually brings out my introvert side. I hope no student bothers me and no teacher calls my name or looks in my direction. It's Monday; I don't feel like it.

When I notice we were picking up Italia and Romeo, I still didn't remove my earphones. I pretended to be asleep so Italia wouldn't bother me and talk about her party this weekend.

I just wanted to forget.

However, I knew my plan would fail as Italia bounced in my seat.

"Hey!" she says enthusiastically.

"Hey Italia," I say, offering a small smile.

"You look tired," she comments.

"I am, from your party," I blame.

"Oh, I totally get it. Do you want me to move to my seat so you can sleep while we head to school?"

"If you don't mind."

"I don't," she shrugs and moves to her regular seat. "I'll even wake you up when we arrive."

"You're the best, thank you."

"No problem, get some sleep."

My eyes close, and not even a minute later, I feel another presence next to me. Thinking it's a freshman or some other lower classman, I snap.


"Jeez, did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?" Romeo jokes.

"You would know," I grumble and look away. I pull my head over my hood and look out the window. So much for sleep.

"Charlotte?" Romeo says. I ignore him. He repeatedly calls me, obviously not getting the hint that I want to be left alone. Forcefully, he grabs my shoulders and spins me so our faces are a foot apart. He swiftly picks me up and places me on his lap. I stunned and frozen. I looked over and Italia isn't looking.

"What do you want?" I breathed.

"I don't like being ignored," he says with a growl and I let out a gasp as I take in the color of his eyes.

They're black. Coal black.

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