My girlfriend and I made an eye a quick contact before she gently take her daughter's arm and place the little girl on her lap. "Baby..." She lift her daughter's head so they are looking at each other. "I know you wanted your Mommy to be your other real parent, right?" Daniela nodded her head while the tears started to fall from her eyes. "Believe me I do too. I really want her to be your biological parent. But she is not." I don't like it when Daniela cries because it fucking hurts to see her like that.

"And your father- well showed up after five years... and he said wanted to spend some time with his daughter. That's why we are letting him. He wanted to get to know you and I hope you will get the chance to know him and maybe love him."

"No, I don't want to." The little girl cried and hug Camila's waist as she lean her head on the young mom's shoulder. "Mama, please." She sobbed out and cling on my girlfriend's body tightly. "I don't want to be with him. Don't let him take me away from you."

I haven't seen Danny cried like this before. Usually, she will only shed a tear before Alexander the fucker, takes her away from us the whole weekend- not like this. She's shaking up from crying so hard and the tears won't stop following from her eyes.

"Take Danny please, I'll just give Alessandro a call and tell him that Daniela is sick or just made some excuse so she can't come with him." The brown-eyed brunette said in exasperated tone.

As I lift the little girl up from her mother's lap, Camila stand up from where she is sitting and snatch her phone on the coffee table. She excused herself and went inside the kitchen area to talk to Daniela's father.

And as soon as the toddler is on sitting my lap, she sit up so that both of her knees are on the side of my thighs and she quickly wraps her arms around my neck and stuff her face on the crook of my neck, as she continue to sob out. I can feel her hot tears streaming down on my shoulder.

I can still hear her whimpering and I rub her back soothingly, "Baby, shh. Don't cry, Danny."

"Mommy, don't leave me. I don't want to be with him. Don't let him take me away from you." She keeps on repeating what she said awhile ago.

I don't know why, but I can hear how terrified she is, at the thought of Alessandro getting her from Camila and I. Or maybe I'm just hearing things.

"Don't worry, your Mama will call him and tell tour dad that you couldn't spend the weekend with him. I will not let that guy take you away from me. I will never leave you, baby." I started to draw some invisible patterns on her back and that made her calm down a little bit.

It didn't take long when I hear her a soft snore escaping her lips. I softly rock her back and forth then run my fingers through her curly hair.

Why does Daniela reacts that way when we talked about Alessandro? It's not like we always reminded her every weekend to be good to her father and be polite. When we tell him about that, she will usually just said okay or nod her head then change the subject, like she will tell us about what happened to her school during the week. But not like this. This is also the first time I saw her cry like this. She looks like she is scared at something.

I clenched my jaw when I thought of Alessandro hitting the little kid. Oh God, what if he hurts her? I swear to God, if he lay a finger on her, I'd fucking tear him apart.

"Baby, is she asleep?" I shake my head out of my thoughts and saw my girlfriend for four months- turning five in less than a week, walking inside the living room.

"Yeah, she is." I wrap my arms protectively on Danny's small body.

Yep, Camila and I had been together for almost five months. Time flies so fast, right? We just spent our fourth month anniversary at the park, having some picnic. We didn't do a grand gesture for each other but we enjoyed spending ou day chilling outside their apartment, just the two of us. The two of us, are so close on celebrating our fifth month anniversary. And I'm so excited.

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