Chapter 16

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_Julia's POV_

I don't know what made Brooke have that panic attack. She's never been this bad. I didn't know what to do, so I did the only thing I could do.

"SOMEONE HELP PLEASE HELP!" I scream. All the guys run over and see Brooke sitting on the ground hyperventilating and crying.

"Brooke, breathe. Calm down. Stay here. I'm here. It's okay." Hayes said. He crouched down to Brooke.

I ran off because I couldn't stand to see her like that.

"JULIA COME BACK!" Cameron screams.

I ignore it. I hear footsteps behind me. It was Shawn.

"Shawn it's all my fault this is all my fault this wouldn't happen if I didn't panic-." I start to cry and breathe heavy. My asthma comes is when I'm stressed.

"This isn't your fault. It's going to be okay. You okay?" Shawn says calmly.

"Inhailer. Suitcase." Shawn grabs it and gives it to me.

"I'm good."

"Okay. Let's go back." Shawn said.

We walk back to the scene and see Brooke's eyes closing. Little by little.

"Brooke, please stay here I need you in my life. You're my best friend and I can't live without you, please Brooke." I scream-cry.

Her eyes are closed.


At the hospital, we wait for Brooke to wake up. The doctor comes in.

"So Brooke had a panic attack because she was thinking of negative things and she was thinking of many 'what if's'. She's going to be okay but we want to keep her overnight just to be sure."

"Thank you, sir." I say and I look at Brooke as her eyes open.

_Brooke's POV_

Where am I? What happened? I had so many questions going on. The only thing I remember is Julia screaming and someone telling me it's going to be okay, I still don't know who.

Julia turns her head and sees me. Everyone is in the room.

"Brooke!" Julia says and hugs me.

"What happened? Where am I?"

"You're at the hospital. You had a panic attack and passed out. The doctors say you're okay but want to keep you overnight just incase." Hayes says.

"Okay. I've never had anything that bad before. I am usually calm by Julia saying-." Oh shit. She always says Hayes Grier to calm me down! Ugh I can't say that here!

"What does she say?" Aaron asked.

"Um- Hayes Grier..."

Everyone looks at Hayes and our cheeks turn bright red.

"What time is it?" Julia asks.

"11:00." Nash says.

"Wow, we should go and let Brooke sleep. She needs it."

I give Julia a 'come here' signal. She walks over.

"I want Hayes to stay with me."

"Okay, I'll ask."

Julia goes over to Hayes and he nods.

"I'll stay with you Brooke!" He says.

"Thank ya Hayes!"

Everyone leaves and Hayes sits on the chair next to my bed.

_Hayes' POV_

"Brooke wants you to stay here. Will you?" Julia asks.

"Of course I will!" I say as I nod my head.

"I'll stay with you Brooke!"

"Thank ya Hayes!"

I sit next to her bed. She sits up.

"Can I ask you something?"


"Do you know why I asked you to promise me to stay and never leave?"


"Well, every boyfriend I have promises they with never leave me no matter what. And I give in. And then they shatter my heat. And one made me depressed and have suicidal thoughts. I got out of that because of you. You saved me Hayes. I told Julia every day that one day I will meet you. And never give up. And I would thank you for saving me. And look where that dream has got me. Now the Hayes Grier is my boyfriend and I couldn't ask for anything better. So, thank you Hayes."

"Wow Brooke, I never knew that. And I can't believe I saved a girl from killing herself. I love you Brooke. So, so much." Tears ran down my cheeks.

"I love you too Hayes."

I get in Brooke's bed and we snuggle up. She fell asleep in my arms and soon after, sleep took over my body.

So Brooke's okay! I updated early because my softball game ended early. We have heavy rain. But I might update again tonight, not sure yet. Hope you like it so far! Comment what you think!
Instagram: _juliamendes_
Twitter: lemieux_julia

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