Entry 14

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October 28, 2017

If any of you thought about commenting at any point while reading this journal thing, now would be a good time...

Cuz..... I've gone dark
I just smile now
And laugh
When I'm supposed to

And slowly fade
And dry my pillow
And again
And again

And tomorrow's Monday.
My father went to his home country.
I hope he doesn't come back with new wedding vow papers and stuff, like he did last time.
His mother went, too, which slightly concerns me.
Imagine me as an eleven year old, snooping in my dads room, and being the curious child I am, finding fancy looking papers, reading that he was married to another woman, without my mothers permission. Now in another country, that's allowed. But he already had an ex, as well as a daughter from her. So in total, he has ten kids now. Six of them are his, and four from a dead guy whose wife be married.

My mother beat the crap out of my brother with a clip board, in a car, in the parking lot of a library....he deserved it, I've been through worse.

But then again, look where I am now.

We had a science test on Wednesday, I failed mostly because of this sharp pain in my side. I didn't go to the office, and waste my mothers time. We live like an hour away from school, because of the great education it offers.

I didn't go to school on Thursday because I was sick... of the school, the people, the smiles, and sick in general.
I've been informed that there was a math test and math homework due, I'll most likely get yelled at for not sending in my homework with my siblings...and not coming, period.

I didn't go to school Friday because my mom said we weren't going...she said she felt tired and therefore we didn't have a driver. We were assigned a science project which I really don't want to do, because really, they waste time. Not every child is glued to their electronics. Some children actually have things to get done. And all the other project I completed, I was lectured for not doing better. So there.

I just want to run and never look back.

Lost Forever In A World Of My Ownजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें