Entry 4

16 1 0

July 5, 2017
My mind went into lock down. I literally couldn't control anything. My knees started shaking. Dragon kept texting me, but my vision was too blurry to understand what she was saying.

I thought, and thought and thought, then realized- it was Star. It was proven. I'm not sure, but I think I fainted.

And so, when I finally got a grip on myself, I did what I often do under pressure- I bluffed. And lied. And cheated.

Basically, I told Star it was all lies, told her I was disappointed, and that she didn't know me at all. And that I knew it was her from the beginning.

I told Pixie and Dragon that whatever I tell them next was going to be lies, and then told them I knew it was Star from the beginning.

And, yea. That was it, I think. I'm not sure who's the bad guy and who's the good guy, and I'm mostly just confused. And I really didn't tell anyone the truth before this, so yea...Sorry for that, guys....It's just easier to open up this way.

Star, If you're reading this, then eat a cookie. I like cookies and you should too so I hope they will be at the center of our soon- to- be formed peace.

The rest of you reading this, eat a cookie anyway 'cuz they're good.

Do you even realize how much better the world would be if everyday, everyone just got a free cookie in the morning, before breakfast? Neither do I.

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