The Love Potion

Começar do início

"Forth! I look stupid."

"Beam. You look adorable."

"No I don't. Everybody is looking at me."

"That's because you look cute and irresistable in that cat costume."

I was hiding behind Forth from their house, all the way to the school.

All the students were gathered at the open ground. I saw Aunt Lyn walk up the stage. Today she looked presentable with her sparkling red dress. She gave the opening remarks for the program and then, we all got our selves busy.

The school looked colorful and lively. It was an open ground event so parents and outsiders are welcome. The school grounds started getting busy with all the people arriving and all the booths became busy. One class set up a horror house, then there was also one who tought of a mini chinese resto and another section had a japanese food stall. Our school looked like a carnival with all the mini game booths and tons of prizes.

 Our school looked like a carnival with all the mini game booths and tons of prizes

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Back at our love cafe, we filled the room with red and white designs and cut outs. I was looking at Belle. She looked so pretty in her patissier costume together with her dad. They set up a counter for the pastries. I was sitting at the far end waiting for customers so I can give them their love fortune. Forth was helping set up the chairs and tables.

All other booths were starting to get busy while ours was still empty. The cupids who were supose to serve were all getting worried. It was suppose to be a competition. The section with the highest profit by the end of the day will earn the festival trophy.

Forth must have noticed too. He pulled me outside the room.

"Beam. Do you know how to attract customers?"


"Try dancing and wiggling that tail."


"Do as I say.. Do you want to have customers or not?"

 Do you want to have customers or not?"

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I had to try. Or else, all our efforts will be for nothing. Moments later my classmates were all looking at me while I do a stupid dance and acted like a purring cat. Forth was covering his face from blushing.

Raddish BoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora