Chapter 16

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We were watching Harry Potter, when Liv's phone rang, frowning she shifted position and went to get up to get it. Only I'd trapped her in my arms "It can wait Liv,"

"No..." she frowned and then Skye's began ringing.

Liv's eyes widened "Skye!"

"Wha-" Skye shot upright from Andy both had been asleep now they were awake, Skye grabbed her phone "Hello?...what? Are you sure? Put her on Sherry,"

Liv tensed in my arms "Ma..."

"Liv?" I said all of us looking at her concerned.

Skye said "Susie what the fuck are you doing? Of course you're having treatment, its stage 2,"

Skye went silent then said "Susie you're Liv's ma and you're the closest person I get to call a mum. What about Sherry...I know. But maybe its time I return a favour,"

Liv glanced at Skye who was now stood, Liv said quietly "Skye what's..."

"Susie just stop speaking, you were the lighthouse in this girls storm, you managed to break through every goddamn wall I'd built. And you were the first one I trusted my home life to. And do you remember what I said to you? No after I decided have a water fight with them...I told you that one day I'll be your lighthouse. I know all about bad choices, being backed into a corner, and worrying about hurting those you love. You have a chance beat it. But not if you don't fight." Skye said and her eyes were wild with fire and was the love a daughter would have for a mother. Liv got up and went over to Skye and just hugged Skye, Liv said "Ma...please listen to Skye."

Skye smiled wryly "Oh're a fool for thinking Liv and I wouldn't be there."

Liv sighed and disappeared to her room, coming back out with suitcases she looked at Skye who nodded "We'll be up there in a day or so, love ya Susie."

Hanging up Liv looked at Skye "What if it spreads?"

"I suggest you stop thinking the worst," Skye frowned, "cause it'll only end badly."

Liv said looking at her "Skye..."

"Blairs bringing the boys, here," Skye tossed car keys to Liv who caught them.

Skye tilted her head "Your ma is a fighter like me...don't give up just yet hun."

"C'mon," Blair appeared, "I somehow managed to pack some of your stuff, we're going. Demi you're with Liv."

Andy said "Skye?"

"On the bike," Liv smiled faintly as Skye reappeared with her shades and a leather jacket. Going outside, Demi said "Your mum has cancer?"

"Yes..." Liv said glancing at her, "for a while now. It was February she was diagnosed."

We all jumped at the noise of a bike and Skye came out sat on the beast, Liv looked at Skye "Go ahead...please."

"Don't ruin my car please," Skye said, opening the bike up she went.

Blair said gently "It'll be ok Liv,"

" it won't Blair, Ma is my mum and Sherry's but she's also Skye's. Why do you think Skye's like my sister?"

Demi glanced at Liv then said " have each other."

" can't replace a mother." Liv said softly, "Skye never had one to begin with, then she had my ma...and Skye was another daughter for ma. Three girls, and she loves us all,"

"Liv," Blair said gently.

Liv glanced at him "Thank you. For being the father she never had Blair..."


Just gonna say it took me till chapter 26 to realise Chapter 16 was missing, so erm sorry about that, but its super short and you know...sorry haha.

~ Chloe

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