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*Niall's POV*

I smiled and slid into Harry's car. "Hey." I said and put my seatbelt on.

"Hey Niall." He said and I smiled.

"What are we doing?" I asked him.

"Grabbing something to eat and going bowling." He said.

"Sounds good." I said smiling and he smiled back.

We left and we didn't converse as he drove but I did take note of how he drove. What is a pothole? I got to know every single pothole individually riding down the street with him but I think he just likes the bumpy road. I wouldn't say it's good thing for your car but I liked the little bouncing. Here and there.

He pulled up to Five Guys. Ummmm. You know I'm not one to judge but why a fast food place?

We walked in and I got a simple burger and fries, which he made me pay for, and he got the same too and we sat down on the stools.

"I know you're not supposed to let your date know this but stuff like these like dates make me super nervous." He said.

"You're doing fine so far." I said and he smiled.

He looked at me. "Love bites? You're involved with someone else?" He asked me.

"No I'm not romantically involved with anyone else but sexually yes. But I have stopped that because I feel it's wrong when we're talking." I said and he nodded.

"So you're promiscuous?" He asked and I was taken back.

"No, I'm sexually active with one person. And only have been with one person. Could we not talk about this?" I said.

"Sorry." He said and blushed.

We continued to talk about other stuff. They called our order and he went to go get it. I was appreciative that this date wasn't all bad.

We began eating and he began talking about the chips. "They are the absolute best chips ever. Honestly." He said.

"Nandos for me." I said.

"You have to be kidding me. They aren't better than these." He said.

"Well you know it's just my opinion." I said.

"Are you even tasting these chips though." He said.

"... they're just chips. They're nice." I said.

I was so done talking about fried rectangular prism shaped fried potatoes by now. He was super opinionated.

"What do you do for fun?" He asked me.

"I hang out with Zayn most of the time." I said.

"Well what do you guys do that's fun?" He asked.

"Well we just enjoy each other's company. We always eat. I love food. We went to the movies once, we stayed in and watched a movie too. And we've had our lazy days. We've skipped school twice together." I said purposely not bringing up his hideout.

"So you guys go on dates?" He asked.

"If we were dating yeah that's what they would be considered but we aren't so they're not. I've done all the same things with Liam and we aren't soooo friends." I said and I scratched the back of my head.

"Louis told me about him. Why do you hang out around him if you don't mind me asking. I'm not saying this to attack his character but I just want to know about the company you keep." He said.

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