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*Niall's POV*

I didn't talk to Zayn for the rest of the week. He was being his same old self but he wasn't bothering me which I actually appreciated. I still stared though. I don't care how long I've been in school with him he is by far the best looking person around my age that I have been able to talk to and have had the pleasure of actually be around.

On my way home I did look at his house before going to mine and entering before laying on my bed.

"Aye Zayn want to come with me and Denise to grab some pizza?" Greg said.

"No. Don't want to third wheel." I said.

"Good because I didn't want you there anyways." He said before closing my door.

I didn't feel like being bothered with Liam even though it is Friday and I have nothing to do.

Louis text me saying we should hang out. See here's the thing about Louis, because he's done this more than once it's just became a trend.

He would make plans and leading up to a couple hours before he would cancel because he had to do something. Why make plans in the first place. Don't ask me out if you aren't for sure. That's honestly trash.

I did my homework. I'm always just doing school related things. I never go out but sometimes that's nice and sometimes I just feel shit for it.

So after homework I watched a sad movie. I shouldn't of but I had seen a meme of it or just something on tumblr about it. My Girl and it's such a sad movie I cried.

It was around 7:45 and I needed food. I text Greg to see if he had left over pizza and he told me that he was still out and that they are all the pizza so I went downstairs to look in a empty fridge. We had no more easy stuff.

"Mom! Can you cook please?" I yelled.

"Order something. I've had a long day Niall ." She said.

"Ughhh." I said and the doorbell rung.

"It might be Greg I was just texting him. And maybe he actually is bringing me some food. And being a good brother for once." I said trying to rummage some more.

She went and got the door.

Grapes. That's it?

"Niall." My mom called me.

"Yah." I said and she didn't say anything so I closed the fridge and walked to the front door and Zayn was standing there looking fine as hell. Fucking heart eyes.

I raised my eyebrow. "You guys are supposed to be going out?" She asked me.

"Yeah remember I asked Monday and I think you said yes?" Zayn said smiling at me.


"Yes he did. So where are you guys going?" She asked.

"He gets to pick, bowling or movies and then grab something to eat or the other way around." He said hunching.

"Yeah let's eat first, then do something interactive so bowling." I said smiling.

"Great great. Ready?" He asked and I looked down at my self.

"I'll be one second." I said and ran upstairs.

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