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*Zayn's POV*

Me and Niall don't see each other on Saturday or Sunday so today as soon as I see him I picked him up in a big hug.

"Not that I'm complaining but why?" He asked and I let him down.

"It was good. Really good." I said and he looked at me confused.

"Masturbating." I whispered and he blushed red.

"Well I'm glad you had a good time." He said and we walked to our first period.

"You've masturbated both ways?" I asked him genuinely curious.

"Yeah." He said blushing again.

"I've always only thought it was one way. It's pretty cool and I felt something I've never felt before. And I flipped from gay to straight porn back to gay, then to straight again. Expanding, broadening my options." I said.

"Shh Zayn people don't usually talk about this openly." He said.

"But you talked to me about it." I said.

"And we were in your room, and that was a private setting." He said.

"Well no matter anyway, do you think this'll get me into the groove of things?" I asked him.

"The groove of things?" We sat down and he grabbed my hand looking at me. "When you get into the grove of things you'll want someone who you can do it with or you'll just be sexually frustrated." He said.

"But you have." I said.

"I know and I wish I had somebody to do it with because I really want to do it and I can't so by you wanting to do it so bad it will create a problem because you know how difficult it kinda is to make friends so it'll be real hard trying to find someone who will have sex with you, no matter how fine you are. And you just wouldn't want to do it with any random person." He said.

"You're right. Let me think." I said and he let go of my hand and began doing his work.

"You need to do your work," he said and I held off thinking so I could.

We did our work together but Niall kept looking at the teacher who kept looking at us. "Do you have a secret relationship with our teacher?" I whispered to Niall.

"You sound crazy." He said.

"You guys keep looking at each other like in the movies, where she then asked to stay behind and you do something sexual with each other. That reminds me didn't that happen not to long ago, the her asking you to stay behind thing?" I asked him.

"There is nothing going on with me and the teacher, she's probably just surprised by our newly found friendship." He said.

"Makes since that two of the finest boys in the whole school would catch her eye. Because her face looks like a foot and her teeth are so disgusting it looks like she's been eating shit all her life and it permanently stained her teeth." I said and he popped me on the forehead.

"That was mean." He said.

"It was the truth." I said.

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