October 6

264 23 3

Dear Diary,

I wish the mental health services in my country weren't such shit. A lot of things could have been avoided otherwise. That, and I'm pretty sure that the suicide rate in my country, especially among like teenagers and stuff, would go down so far. That and I think we'd end up being better as a society.

And honestly I'm just so tired. I want to sleep and not wake up. Is this what it felt like when Arthur was an empire? Does that mean that I am also an empire?I don't know.

My head hurts. Sometimes when I stand up the whole room spins and I have to sit back down to wait until everything is still again. I hate this.

I keep getting calls from various people, nations actually, and I can only assume they want to know where I am. I'm not going to tell them. The states won't tell them either.

I appreciate that all of my state siblings are willing to protect me from the world while I deal with my problems. It's good to know that someone has your back sometimes, you know?

This inability to form actual thoughts is starting to kill me.

I hope that something actually changes after this this time, unlike all of the other times. I don't exactly have high hopes, but I still have hopes! Because let's be real here, this sucks and really needs to stop happening. I'm a first world country after all! There's no reason for this to happen anymore.

I just really hope it stops here.


i'm sorry my updates are getting spread super far apart...

Diary of a Depressed Nation, Volume IIWhere stories live. Discover now