July 2

298 24 11


Dear Diary,

I'm here at the battlefield. I don't remember coming here. I don't remember ever having left Mr. Lincoln's estate in Washington, where I need to be right now. I... I need to be helping my president out, right?

God save me. I can't think straight. I can't see straight. My glasses got destroyed at some point and I don't know where they are. My head hurts. My side hurts. The bullet wound in my arm hurts. I hurt everywhere.

I blacked out again. I don't know how long, but now it's afternoon. The heat is scorching in these damned uniforms. I don't know how any human could live for long like this. And if I can judge by what I'm hearing and how much this hurts, they aren't.

I can hear their screams. The screams of my men as they fall by the hands of their brothers. When will this torture end? Lord save us all!

It's night time now. I, once again, fell unconscious. I've sent a letter to Mr. Lincoln telling him where I am and asking him how I got here. I also asked how the papers said the battle is going. I've asked Major General Meade what he recons, but he won't detail too much to me. I think he thinks I won't be able to handle it. And honest to God, I don't think I could either.

I can feel a shift, though. The overbearing feeling of dread isn't as dark and overpowering as it had been just a week ago. Maybe this means the better for the Union? I don't want my beautiful country to be torn apart like this any longer.

I think I should go join my compatriots by the fire; a good song or two should lift our spirits, I'm thinking. The men really need it; far more than myself, even, because I know that I'll survive anything that the Confederacy can throw at me. They only know that they will die, whether it be here and alone or not doesn't concern them. I do not want a lonely death for anyone. That is far worse than I would ever wish on anyone.

I have experienced many things, but loneliness may be one of the worst. France taught me that, and England showed me what he truly meant. I mean no ill against him, mind you, but I still hold dark memories from those times.

I have to win this war, for I do not want to be alone again. And if I lose, I surely will be.


ive already sent out this message, but i need to know:

if you were in a contest with someone and you made a bet, confident that you would win, what would you have bet? (money is not an option btw)
-thank you

also shout out to ItsKarmagirl565 for the idea of a gettysburg memorial thingy

i have a personal hc that he was present but unconscious for the majority of this so he wont remember a whole lot, which is cool i guess.

Diary of a Depressed Nation, Volume IIWhere stories live. Discover now