September 26

276 18 6

Dear Diary,

I'm honestly at this point more tired than anything. Like, I feel like I should be actually doing something? But I haven't really moved in like four days.

Backtrack. A few days ago, I left the house down south in the middle of the night without saying anything to anyone, and now I'm at my cabin somewhere in Montana trying to not give a shit about anything while also obsessing over every little thing.

I don't know if NK himself has anything to do with any of this, but at this point I doubt it. What's going on right now is such a mortal thing to do. So childish in nature. But I don't really have any room to talk, since I also act like a child most of the time.

But anyways yea I haven't really done a whole lot of moving out of my bungee chair with my laptop except to go to the bathroom and get things to drink. Yes I know that isn't healthy but hopefully it'll kill me before someone finds me here. One could only wish, though.

God this fucking sucks.


guess who's gonna try to get back into this? (((probably not me lol jk)))

Diary of a Depressed Nation, Volume IIWhere stories live. Discover now