Chapter 2 - "I thank thee oh cousin of mine."

Start from the beginning

He laughed. "You were always good at bouncing back," he said.

"Why thank you." She gave a small bow. "Now, onto more important topics. What are we doing tonight?"

"Well, the party is out," he said.


"Because, it's at Amanda's house."


He gave her a concerned look. "What do you think Amanda's going to do when you ring her doorbell?"

"I won't be the one doing the ringing," Kit said. "You will. Then, you can charm her with your dashing good looks and I'll sneak in."

"What will you do when she finds out you're at her party?" Jaxon asked.

"She'll never know. I'll blend in with the crowd."

"That's not going to work."


"This isn't going to work," Jaxon repeated twenty minutes later as he stood outside Amanda Gleason's house.

"Yes it will. Just stick to the plan," Kit hissed. She was out of view, behind a bush by the front door.

"I'm not doing this," he protested.

As he turned to leave, Kit popped out of her hiding spot and rang the doorbell. "Oops! Too late." She quickly sank behind the bushes again.

"Kit," he hissed.

He quickly turned back to the door as it opened. Kit sank lower as Amanda came into view.

"Jaxon! I'm so glad you came," Amanda said.

"Thanks for the invite," he said.

His boyish smile brought an affectionate twinkle to Amanda's eyes.

"Come on in. Can I get you a drink?" she asked.

Kit held her breath, ready to move quickly. All Jaxon had to do was get Amanda to step out of the house and distract her long enough for Kit to slip inside. She watched as Jaxon gave the bush she was hiding behind a quick glance.

"I'd love a drink," he said. "Lead the way."

Kit bit back an annoyed cry as he disappeared into the house. Moving from her hiding spot, she ducked as she walked along the front windows until she reached where the house ended and a high wooden fence began.

Walking along it, her eyes searched for a notch she could fit her foot into. Finding a small divot, she began to climb. At the top, with one leg on either side of the fence, someone coughed behind her and she froze. Composing herself, she smiled and turned. Edison was a few feet away, giving her a curious look.

"Edison, fancy running into you here," she said. She tried to strike a casual pose.

"What are you doing?" he asked

She gave him a confused look. "There's a party going on," she said, pointing to the house.

"And you want to make an entrance by climbing over the fence?" he guessed.

"Using the front door is so last year," she said. She adjusted her pose as her left leg began to go numb.

"And this entrance has nothing to do with you pushing the host into the pool."

She suppressed a smile. "That is also a possible reason."

"Or maybe you are just desperate to get to me," he said.

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