Enjoying Harry calling him yummy, Louis realized how attracted to Harry he was inside out. He liked the fact that Harry could easily take control. Louis felt submissive to him, like Harry was somehow his keeper. He didn't mind feel passive; he liked the feeling. He had so much control with his eating, exercising, and every other aspect that he liked giving control over to someone else about something, anything!

"Harry?" He asked as he sat up, arching his back and pressing his groin firmly onto Harry's, teasing the fully clothed man under him.

Harry greedily stared at Louis and put his hands behind his back, enthusiastic to see what Louis would do in response. He did not respond.

Louis could feel himself yearning for Harry's touch. His voice. He was feeling himself become bashful.

"Harry?" He called out again. "I...don't know what to do..."

Harry smirked at the vulnerable person sitting on top of him.

"What do you want to do?" Harry asked seductively.

I...I don't know...." Louis admitted. He was shyer than Harry and his body image issues seemed to be getting in his way. He was not a virgin (well he's been with females) and had no idea why he was acting innocent.

Smirking and liking Louis response, Harry sat up and picked Louis up and moved him to the other bed. This time, Harry was hovering over him.

Harry put one hand in Louis hair and put the other around his neck, moving his head to the side. He used his tongue to lick down Louis' salty neck. He nibbled on his collarbone for a second before sliding his tongue up to his ear. Louis shuddered in excitement.

"Still don't know what you want?" Harry asked as he stopped all bodily contact and flipped over on his back. Louis suddenly felt the hard sting of reality.

"Harry, I'm scared." Louis said as he turned away from Harry talking into the mattress. Even though Harry was confused, he tried to keep focus on what the fragile man beside him was saying. Harry was often described as compassionate and empathetic and tonight, he was going to let that side show.

"What are you scared of, Lou?" He asked as he traced small circles on the back of Louis' head.

"I feel nauseous and my heart is pounding. Every time you turn me on, I lose all control. My body begs to be close to you, as close as possible but then it begins to feel weak and tired," Louis confessed with his eyes focused on a random spot on the wall. He could no face Harry having this conversation. If he did, he knew he would breakdown.

Harry gave himself time to process what Louis was saying and tried to put himself in his shoes. Yet, somehow, his ego always began to show through. It was his character flaw and he knew it.

"See Lou, this is why I can't keep doing this. One minute you're all over me and the next you tell me you can't do it. Did you ever consider the sensation you feel – losing control and feeling weak could be a good kind of feeling?" Harry asked as he removed his hands out of Louis' hair and laced his fingers together, resting his hands on his chest; closed off from the world.

Louis didn't reply for a long time. Harry laid there thinking which was dangerous in itself. He wanted to be angry and do what he came here to do; say goodbye. He wanted to stand up, walk out the door, and never look back. He wanted to.

But he couldn't.

"Lou, I'm sorry. I'm an asshole sometimes." Harry said as he flipped over on his side and held Louis into a little spoon. "I'm not perfect either and you don't seem to mind. Maybe this thing is worth a shot." His heart began to break when he realized that Louis had lost even more weight in the past weeks.

He wanted to say something, anything.

"Lou, do you have anything to add?" He asked but Louis still didn't reply. Becoming concerned, he reached over and placed his lips onto his. It was then he realized Louis had fallen asleep moments ago. Harry sighed and became paranoid. What if he wasn't asleep? He rolled Louis over on his back and placed his head on his chest, making sure his heart was still beating. It was.

He carefully got out of bed and retrieved Louis' phone from the desk. He scrolled through his contacts until he found Zayn's number. He recalled that Zayn had blocked him so Harry decided to use his own phone.

(iMessage) 9:24 p.m.
Harry: Hey Zayn. It's Harry. I know you don't like me or something but I really need your help. It's Louis. He's wasting away and I don't know what to do.

Harry gently pulled Louis shirt up and snapped a quick picture. He couldn't even look at it. He knew it was going to be a sight he did not want to see.

(iMessage) 9:28 p.m
Harry: See? Please tell me what to do....please.

Then it happened.

Zayn: I'm going to text you the address to his 🏡 in Doncaster. Go tomorrow. I will meet you there.

Harry: Thank you. 🙏

Zayn: This isn't for you. It's for him. 🙄


Authors Note: LONG CHAPTER, huh? I'm trying to get this story moving!
Also, I cannot wait until 2018 when Louis album comes out 😊 My Larryversary was pretty sad this year. I had like a somber feeling in my gut. However, I tweeted the sh** out of Larry stuff and tried to make it more positive <3

Happy Always In My Heart @Harry_Styles btw



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