Swinging my arm behind me, I threw the heat straight at the school's magic reader. As expected, the heat went right through, and disappeared on my command.

"Well, well, well. As always, you and Larimar get perfect scores. No doubt you'll make it to the Royal Guard."

Richard teasingly poked my cheek. "I thought you were aiming at being my bodyguard?" Firmly, I pinched his cheek in return. "I'm aiming to be your personal cleaner. C'mon, let's get these tests over with. They're not challenging at all."

"Oooh, spoken like a true genius. You could aim to be a Magic Researcher, or become a legendary Monster Hunter. But you're stubborn on sticking by me."

"I'd be bad if you were on free reign. Murders, scandals, absolute power to the crown... The citizens and nobles would rise up and decapitate you themselves. There needs to be someone that can hide your antics."

As my eyes drifted to the other field, I spotted Bernald-san. Alongside him, was the student that called for help last time. They were both cheering on Brittania-chan, who was running around the track. Once she reached them, she stumbled onto the grass. Bernald-san and the student were fanning her and giving her water like she returned from a boxing ring match.

"Hey, Diago! Who're you looking at?" Richard asked me. I pointed at the other field, trying to hold in a laugh. "It's...Brittania-chan... But let's just focus on the tests, okay? Defense is next."

We positioned ourselves far across from each other. With a simple rock-paper-scissors, we decided who'd defend first. I set up an incantation, that made a firewall. "You ready?" Richard called out. Nodding, I braced myself to get drenched or the like.

Over by Richard, in his palm he formed an icicle-like spear, and threw it towards me. Fire is weak against water, so at the last minute I roll out of the way. The spear strikes the rubber track, and cracked the surface.

"D-Dude, are you trying to kill me?!" With a lighthearted smile, he lightly bonked his head. "Sorry! I was aiming too high! But I still think I broke your barrier..." He proceeded to mark my paper with a 70%.

"Just barely passing. You should be grateful I've bestowed this merciful grade."

"Huh, I see how this is going to be... Get ready! I'll knock your socks off!"

Richard casted a thick ice shield, and nodded when he was ready. As I gathered up the flame in my hand, I pulled back to throw it. Before the fire left my palm, I took a sneak glance at my father. His Citrine eyes, like my own, glistened in the setting sun's light. My eyes caught his, and we stared at each other.

It felt like the air in me tightened, when our eyes met. But then he looked back down, at his book.

In my heart, I felt a sense of shame and embarrassment. I felt as if I'd done something wrong. I didn't realize until a split second later.

......Magic. I forgot, he hates magic.

Indescribable feelings welled up from my throat, on the verge of spilling from my mouth. The fire in my palm was swelling in size, and were reaching the edge of my fingertips mid-swing.

Of course he hates magic! He hates anything related to it! Ugh, swordsmanship and knights are all you can think about! Prideful, cold, and stubborn! Why are you like that?! It's so irritating! IRRITATING!!!

Heat surged through my heart, increasing my flames. I felt the anger pour out of me, converting into a scorching blaze. Anger, anger, anger! That was the only thing on my mind.

"Wha- Diago!!!" The flame I let go of turned into an inferno. Richard had gotten away in time, but the fire blazed on. The ice had evaporated, but that spot kept on burning, melting through the rubber.

I've reincarnated into the evil character, but somehow I've healed them?Where stories live. Discover now