Part 20 Dance and Fear with the Devil.

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Three Weeks have passed, since Willow's accidental rampage, she woke up the next day, and seemed to be able to control her Grimm forms, and it marks the anniversary of The Coffee Shop, and so Obsidian decides to celebrate, with an anniversary party, fliers are posted everywhere, Obsidian adding the location on the fliers, 'Down Town Vale, Warehouse number 787.'

From what Obsidian learned from working today is, that everyone will be at that Anniversary party, some students from Beacon, "Ruby, listen I need you to cook some cookies, can you do that?" says Obsidian as he talks to Ruby through his scroll, "Sure, Obsidian, however I need a recipe, and some persuasion." says Ruby with an evil smile, at that she then got a message from Obsidian, with a recipe, Obsidian's best cookies in Remnant, and then she receives a picture, a cookie, made out of other cookies, Ruby then says "Deal!" at that she hangs up and starts to work on the cookies. "She will do anything for a cookie." says Obsidian as he smiles, and laughs evilly, at that he then locks up SHIP'S & OC'S, and walks back home, when he arrives home, he then hears Willow and Hollow, "Hollow, please don't, not again, no." says Willow, at that Obsidian can then hear Willow to start laughing, "H-Hollow, youahhahahaha, Knohahahaw, That, I'mahaha, Ticklish there, STOHAHAHP." says Willow again, "Great, he's licking her neck again." says Obsidian, at that Obsidian then walks in and finds Hollow in his Beowolf form, licking Willows neck, Willow, squirming, and laughing on the couch, at that Obsidian then sighs, "You two, get ready for the party, Hollow stop tickling your girlfriend, NOW!" says Obsidian, at that Hollow then reverts back to his normal form, "Yes sir." says Hollow, as he then runs to his room, and the same with Willow, running to her room, at that Obsidian then sighs, "Young love..." at that he walks to his room, and opens the door, and then closes it, and locks the door, he then brings out a chest that is under his bead, he opens it showing, a picture of him, and a girl, a girl with purple hair, black sclera, red eyes, a black cape, wearing a corset, holding a purple rose, and Obsidian to her right, "I miss you." says Obsidian as tears flow from his eyes, he then places the picture down, and closes the chest, then changes his suit, for a better one, which is actually nearly identical to the previous one, Obsidian then looks in the mirror, and sighs, he then goes to the door, and opens it, which he then see's a Lilac purple eyed girl, with golden yellow hair,  "Afternoon sir." says the girl, "Afternoon Yomodo." says Obsidian, at that Yomodo the smiles and bows, and she says "Are you ready for tonight, Mr Grimmson?" at that Obsidian then smiled, and patted her head, making her lizard like tail wag a bit, and he said "Yes Yomodo, is my Daughter and Hollow ready?" at that Yomodo then stood back up, "I'm not sure if they are ready, I do know that I heard Willow laugh... again." says Yomodo, with a sigh, "Yeah, I know." says Obsidian, at that Hollow then walks down the hallway, with Willow holding his hand, "Speaking of the two Grimm." says Obsidian, They both stop, showing their outfits better, both wearing black, Hollow wearing a suit, and Willow wearing a dress, Yomodo's dress, being a beautiful purple matching her eyes a bit, "Willow, Hollow you look so CUTE!!!" says Yomodo, as she hugs the couple, "Alright, you three, rap it up, we need to get there before the guests do." says Obsidian, at that Yomodo then lets go and says "Yes sir." at that the four then walk out, Obsidian locks the door, and they go to the warehouse.

Meanwhile Cinder gets ready, "I don't see why going to a Coffee Shop Anniversary is work." says a rather bored Desmond, as he waits for Cinder to step out from behind the changing curtains, "Because, if I get 'close' to the owner, he might tell us how to get through the system that he set up." says Cinder, as she chooses a dress, "Alright, and why do you want to get this Coffee Shop again?" asks Desmond, as he watches Cinder's silhouette, "Because, I want good food, good products, because the place runs on dust, duh."says Cinder, as she then places her heels on, "Desmond, am I beautiful?" asks Cinder as she walks out from behind the changing curtains, showing her Wearing a Black dress, sparkling in the dim light, Desmond then smiles, "Heh, no, your not beautiful, your gorgeous." says Desmond, at that he then claps his hand and a fire swirls around him, when the flames depart, he is wearing a simple tux, with a golden belt buckle, and a red and golden lace of a Dragon rising from flames on his right, he then holds his hand out, "Are you ready?" he asks Cinder, "Yes, I'm ready." says Cinder, to Desmond, and at that they then walk out of their HQ, and go to a parked car, Desmond opens the door for Cinder, and he closes the door when she is in, at that he goes around, and opens the driver door, and gets in, he touches the steering wheel with both hands, and the car flares to life, as if it seem's to be fueled by Desmond's flames, and at that they drive off to the Warehouse where the party is at.

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