Part 23 Change.

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Yomodo lies-down in her bed, she slowly opens her lilac eyes, due to the sound of Obsidian behind the door, talking on his scroll, "Listen, Willow, Yomodo, is going to be different.... No, you two can't come back home yet, go on some kind of vacation you two... Hollow make sure, that you two don't come back...... I got to go, I think she can hear me." says Obsidian, at that Obsidian hangs up, and he opens the door to Yomodo's room, "Morning, Poison Dragon." says Obsidian, "M-morning, Dr Grimmso." says Yomodo, however before she could finish saying Grimmson, Obsidian cut her off, with a motion of his hand, "Yeah, about that... we need to talk Yomodo." says Obsidian, both glumly and happily, how did Yomodo know that, she could smell it, she could smell Obsidian's emotions, at that Yomodo tried to get up, however she found bandages around her chest and arms, her hand, everywhere, covered in gauze, it was a sigh from Obsidian that brought Yomodo back to reality, "Yomodo, I'm more than just your teacher now, I'm your father now..." says Obsidian, at that Yomodo's eyes open wide, "W-What do you mean?" says Yomodo, at that a tear ran down Obsidian's face, "I- I fed you my blood, to save you, that in turn altered you, and turned you into a Grimmson, I changed your paperwork name, from Yomodo Dragon, to Yomodo D Grimmson, I'm so sorry." says Obsidian, at that Yomodo manages to get up, and she sits next to Obsidian, which she then hugs him, "I always wanted a father like you." says Yomodo as she starts to cry, at that Obsidian hugs her back, his tail wrapping around Yomodo to comfort her, he then pats her back, "Sh, it's okay, I'm here, I'll be the best father I can okay?" says Obsidian, as he hugs her tight. After that, Yomodo, then got to eat a bit of a strange breakfast, eating a plate of Grimmson Dumplings, after that, she then fell asleep, when she woke up, she found the bandages off of her, and instead she is wearing her pajamas, Yomodo then gets up, and says "I'm a Grimmson.... look out Dragon boy, because this Dragon holds grudges, and I will hold them till the day I die." at that she gets completely out of bed, her feet touching the cold floor, she then stands up, and walks to the door, her tail swaying, helping her balance everything, she then reaches the door, and opens it, she walks out, and goes down the hall, holding onto the walls for support, she then reaches the stairs, she then goes down them, slowly, she then reaches the bottom of the stairs, which she then walks to the couch, and she slowly plops down onto the couch, her body aching, and then that's when she saw it, on the back of her hand, where three Grimm like spikes, she felt fear ran through her, and then the spikes started to dissolve, leaving her hand back to normal, "Right, genetics..." says Yomodo, "Yeah, you'll get used to it." says Obsidian from behind the couch, as he then goes around the couch and sits next to Yomodo, at that Yomodo then leans int next to him, looking for support, "Yomodo, sweetheart how are you feeling?" says Obsidian as he holds her hand, her hand radiating with heat, "A-Am I a monster?" asks Yomodo as she looks at her hand where the Grimm spikes where growing, "You are not a Monster, you are beautiful, I can see it in your eyes." says Obsidian, his words reassuring her, at that he starts to hum a rather strange song, as Yomodo listens to it, she calms down, and she starts  to hum along, which she then smiles, "D-Daddy, will you teach me how to summon them?" asks Yomodo, "Yes, I will." says Obsidian, at that Yomodo's eyes then get heavy, and she falls asleep in Obsidian's arms, Obsidian then turns on the TV for sound, and what he finds first is the News, showing the current state of SHIPS'S & OC'S Coffee Shop, the windows being repaired, furniture replaced, the floor being swept, the gigantic hole in the floor, gone, repaired before anyone could see it, Obsidian then smirks, "Desmond I will give you multiple chances to give up." says Obsidian, at that he changes the channel to something better, a documentary all about Crocodiles, one of natures well known killers.

A few days have passed, Yomodo regaining her strength day by day, one morning she wakes up, she gets out of her bed, and looks in the mirror, and she does something unexpected, she punches the mirror, shattering it into a bunch of tiny little shards, "YOMODO WHAT HAPPENED?" says Obsidian as he ran into her room, he then see's her fist right where the mirror was, "Yomodo what happend?" says Obsidian, "I'm tired," Yomodo then brings her fist back, "I'm tired of my hair, I Hate the color!!!" says Yomodo, at that Obsidian then threw something to Yomodo, and she looked up, and caught it in midair, "Hair Dye?" says Yomodo, she then opened the box up, and saw the color, "Purple, thank you Daddy." says Yomodo, as she then runs to Obsidian, giving him a big hug, "Your welcome sweetheart, just don't break anything else promise?" asks Obsidian, "Promise." says Yomodo as she has a huge smile on her face, at that she runs into the bathroom, and starts to change her hair color, Obsidian watching her as she does so, he then touches the purple strip of hair on his head, he then smiles, "I love you." says Obsidian, at that he walks away, and waits for the new Yomodo, when Yomodo was done, she waited for it to dry, and when it did, she walked out, looking better, and showing a different beauty, "Nice, Purple suits you." says Obsidian, "Thank you Daddy." says Yomodo as she hugs him, in Obsidian's head he thinks, 'She would love you so much, only if I knew where she is...' he then sighs, and luckily Yomodo doesn't know how to read minds yet. The next few days Willow and Hollow come home, and they find a happy purple haired Yomodo hugging them, " Sis." says Yomodo to Willow, and at that Willow smiles, "I'm glad your my sis." says Willow to Yomodo, at that they both hug each other, then Obsidian comes to the door, and says "My two favorite daughters and my Daughter's favorite boyfriend." at that Obsidian then got in the hug fest, grabbing Hollow also, bringing them all in, for a rather large family hug.

When Night falls Obsidian is on the top of the roof looking over Vale, wearing all black, and in his right hand, is a White Fang Grimm Mask, he then places it on, he jumps off the roof, and turns into his Grimm Dragon King form, and he takes flight, off into the night, "I Will Give You A Warning, Desmond!" says Obsidian in his Grimm voice, after a while, he lands on Cinder's HQ quietly, so quiet that not a single sound was made, his eyes glowing in the dark, "You Asked For This Desmond." says Obsidian.

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