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Team RWBY's Dorm, current time, 12:00, all of Team RWBY asleep: In Team RWBY's dorm, ell of them fast asleep, now we go into Ruby's point of view, a nice warm sunny day in Vale, and what's the best way to spend it? a picnic, at a cliff a red and white checkered blanket is spread over the ground, on the blanket is a big plate filled with chocolate chip cookies, and beside it one glass of milk and one glass of sweet tea, sitting beside the glass of milk sits Ruby, and beside the tea sits Obsidian seeming to laugh at something that Ruby told him, "Any way Obsidian, When I asked Yang to help me make cookies, she blew the entire kitchen up with flour." says Ruby while Obsidian bursts out laughing, and then he says "Heh, could be worse, try having Weiss keep an eye on the oven, I left for one minute and the entire place was on fire." at that both Ruby and Obsidian where laughing, and then he said "And that's why I don't let Weiss in my kitchen." at that they both continued to laugh, then they both fell down, and looked up at the sky, trying to make shapes out of the clouds, "Oh that one looks like a scythe." said Ruby pointing to a scythe like cloud, "It does, oh that one beside it looks like a Beowolf." says Obsidian, pointing to a Beowolf like cloud, at that they look at each other, and laugh again, then Ruby says "Were dorks aren't we?" at that Obsidian smiles and says, "Yeah, were hopeless dorks." at that Obsidian then gets up, and walks to the cliff, he takes a deep breath, then something goes wrong, Ruby suddenly hears what sounds like a gunshot in the back ground (play music now for effect.) and at that Obsidian then falls to the ground, Ruby quickly gets up, and runs to him, and she learned that was a big mistake, Obsidian's Aura was flaring like a fire mixed with Grimm smoke, what seem's to be his head lifting up changed, his eyes glowing Bloody Red, his head looking like a Beowolf, then the Aura clears revealing a Beowolf body, and a Death Stalker tail, and Ruby looked into those horrifying eyes, and she saw something that scared her, she saw hunger, and that Obsidian wasn't himself anymore, at that she backed away slowly, the now Grimm side of Obsidian watching each and every move she makes, then Ruby makes a run for it, running into the nearby forest, when she turns her head she finds that it is fallowing her, she try's to lose it, only to fail in doing so, at that it leaps and lands in-front of Ruby, and stares at her with it's hungry blood red eyes, Ruby shocked with fear she can barely move, at that it then stabs her with it's tail, bringing her to the ground, it's tail raises then it pins her down with it's arm's, and then Ruby, with tears running down her face, she begins to try and plead and beg to the now monster to let her live, however she is then met with it's claws ripping her open, blood spilling everywhere, and the now turned monster eats all of it's bloody prey. at that Ruby squirms in her sleep, afraid of what just happened, now on to Weiss's horror, in her dream the Heiress is walking with Obsidian in the woods, talking about class work, then the so called 'teaching' of Professor Port, "I mean his class is good, it's just maybe he should write a book called, 'My Adventures.'" says Weiss, "Yeah, I mean is it Grimm Studies or Elaborate Stories class?" says Obsidian jokingly, making Weiss laugh, and then Obsidian begins to walk slowly, letting Weiss take the lead, and then Weiss hears it, a gun shot, and then a thud to the ground, when she turns to face the sound, she see's Obsidian covered in his Aura with Grimm smoke enveloping around him, and she hears him snarl, and then she tries to go to him, but she stops when she see's them, the eyes glowing Golden yellow, what used to be Obsidian gets up now with an Ursa body with two headed King Taijitu's for tails, and she stares into those burning yellow gold eyes, and see's her own fears, and she see's a new found hunger in Obsidian, at that she runs, using her glyphs to get far away, then she turns to see the monstrous Obsidian running towards her, at that she then tries to use her Ice Glyph, trying to freeze him in place, it worked, however it broke after 5 seconds, and Weiss continues to run, when she turns she finds that it's gone, at that she thought that it turned back to normal and went home, and she thought that she should go back also, however the problem was... she was lost, and then she felt something wet fall on her shoulder, she looked down to see a clear liquid, and when she looked up, she saw him, the hungry burning yellow golden eyes, and then next thing Weiss knew was that she felt something coil around her leg, and then she went up, when she looked to see what got her legs, she saw the white head of the King Taijitu tail, then the coils from the tail went up, and up, all the way to her neck, Weiss then closed her eyes, and when she opened them, she saw that they where back on the ground, and that she was face to face to the monster's main head, and then it opened it's mouth, and Weiss began to cry, trying to make some sound to plead, to beg for her life, but all it sounded like was "GAK!" and then it ate her, and in her sleep she squirmed in fear, and then brings us to Blake, in Blake's dream she is sitting under a tree with Obsidian both reading a book, both in silence, however the silence is then broken by Obsidian laughing and saying "cute." "Huh, what?" says Blake, at that Blake turns to Obsidian and he's looking at her with a smile, "Cute, you, your cute, I noticed that when you read your ears that you hide under your bow twitch, and I learned that only happens when your reading something.... dirty." says Obsidian with a giggle, and at that Blake then blushes, after a while they take a walk, while walking in silence Blake is thinking, 'Oh my Dust, am I in love with him? what do I do... what if he finds out about my secret shipping stories of me and him, he might never talk to me agia...' and at that a gun shot is heard by Blake, and then she loses Obsidian from her sight, and when she turned around, she came face to face with Obsidian's Black eyed form, however this time, his eyes seemed darker than usual, they seemed hungry, and at that the tentacles that it has for hair on it's head wrapped around Blake, it lifted her up a bit, and stared at her, and then it's stitched like mouth opens, and the tentacles drop Blake in, she tried to fight however, her Aura was way too weak, her Semblance not working, she would of tried to call for help with her scroll, however she dropped it when the tentacles grabbed her, Blake squirms and whimpers in her sleep, leaving Yang to be the next victim of a nightmare, Yang and Obsidian where sent to Ozpin's office to do a really important survey mission, as a single team, to scout out Mountain Glenn, when they leave they immediately pack, and they meet up in-front of the school, Team RWBY saying bye to Yang & Obsidian, and Yang joining Team YO, at that Obsidian uses his Giant Nevermore Bead, and then they get on, and fly off to Mountain Glenn, when they land, they began to set up camp, "So how's everything going Obsidian?" asks Yang questionably, "Everything is good, got my Coffee Shop, got school, got all of my friends, what about you?" says Obsidian, at that Yang says "Eh, Same old same old." and then Yang pulls out a bottle of Alcohol, and smiles, and then Obsidian smiles and says "Oh are we going bold tonight?" at that Yang smiles and nods, while Obsidian brings out two shot glasses from his backpack and then Yang pours some rum in both shot glasses, and Obsidian says "Bottoms up, sweet heart." (in Yang's dreams Yang is dating Obsidian, technically still Bumblebee, Obsidian has a color scheme of black,) "Bottoms up." says Yang, at that they crossed arms, and drank their shot, after that they looked into each other's eyes, and then they kissed, and then went to bed, sharing a sleeping bag because Yang 'forgot' hers, in the morning they found a weird building, at that they walked in, Obsidian wearing his normal outfit, while Yang wore something that isn't really huntress material, she wore flip flops, and her pajamas, any way they go deeper into a building, they come across a door, at that Obsidian motions for Yang to stand still, at that he opened the door, and saw nothing, at that he motioned for Yang to walk in, what Yang could make out was that the ceiling was very high, and then Yang says "Well another building empty." and then the sound came, something that sounded like a gun firing, and then Obsidian shuffled back a bit, and Yang got worried and she said "Obsidian, sweety is everything okay?" (play music again if you want,) at that Obsidian looked at her and he said in a rather rough voice, "Yes everything is okay, I'm just hungry." at that Obsidian then extended his hand out for Yang to take it, she did cautiously, and when she took it, she felt his warm skin turn icy cold, and then she blinked, and to open her eyes again, she saw them those glowing white eyes, she saw hunger in them, at that she knew that she had a slight chance of surviving this, at that she began to run, and while running she lost her flip flops and was running barefoot, she didn't notice it but the door was far away, she could still see it's golden glow of an outside far from her, and then that glow of the outside disappeared, then she heard a hiss coming from her left and right, and then came the glow again this time above her, she looked up and saw those eyes again, and in the slight glow of light she saw the King Taijitu headed tails and the Death Stalker tail, and then she ran again, this time something coiled her, and then the glow came again, showing the black King Taijitu head wrapped around her, and then it let her go, she knew what he was doing, he was playing with her, and then she yelled, "OBSIDIAN, YOU CAN FIGHT THIS!!!" at that a loud screech was then heard, that froze Yang's blood with fear, and then she ran, what she didn't see next was the missing floor, and at that she fell, until something caught her, and set her back on the level that she was originally, and when she opened her eyes she saw those eyes again, this time the glow from the Death Stalker tail showing the face and neck, revealing the Nuckelavee like face and horns, it's mouth stitched like usual, and the neck seeming to have spikes that somewhat resemble teeth, and for what appears like hair on it's head is a bunch of choppy looking Nevermore feathers, they stare at each other, the hunger still in the beasts eyes, then Yang heard the hisses again, and from behind her she could see the two King Taijitu heads slithering behind her a bit, leaving the only option... to kill her boyfriend, however she didn't see the hand that grabbed her, lifted her up, and then the mouth opened, and it opened wider than normal, those spike like teeth truly where teeth, and then it dropped her into it's gaping mouth, Yang screaming as she went down, and she doesn't know if it's the monster's stomach acid affecting her but she saw, her team inside the stomach, even Team JNPR, everyone, her friends, Yang squirms uncomfortably in her sleep as she see's this in her dreams, now to Team JNPR's dorm, Jaune, was sleeping peacefully, dreaming of playing video games with Obsidian, "Come on Jaune, that's the third time you beat me." says Obsidian "What can I say, maybe I'm just lucky." says Jaune, at that the screen does something strange, Jaune's character pulls out a gun and shoots Obsidian character, and then faces the screen and shoots in Obsidian's direction, at that Obsidian then coughs, and coughs, until he coughs up blood, and then his Aura consumes him with Grimm smoke, and then out come his red eyed form, and at that the creature then stabs Jaune with the Death Stalker tail, not enough to kill Jaune, what does is Jaune, watching Obsidian, rip him open and eat his insides, Jaune squirming in his sleep, Now Ren, laying in bed, sleeping happily, in his dream, he was practicing dancing with Obsidian, and then things went down, when a gun shot was heard, and then the next thing Ren knew was that Obsidian's hand turned into the Nuckelavee hand and went through his chest, killing him instantly, but not waking him up from this dream, and then Obsidian began to eat him in his Black eyed form, causing Ren to squirm a little then he stopped his squirming when his Semblance activated, calming him down a bit, now to Pyrrha Nikos, In Pyrrha's dream, we are brought back to their second fight outside, near the Emerald Forest, however instead of Obsidian winning, he died, and fell down the cliff, a few weeks later Ruby died, her body, somewhat found, her waist and her right foot missing, suspicion of death, wolf attack, then next week Weiss was found dead her head decapitated and a gigantic hole in her chest, the suspicion of death, a sword and cannon, then the next week Blake died, her limbs ripped from her body except her head, with two gigantic holes in her, one in her chest, the other in her stomach, the suspicion of death, dismemberment and two cannons, two days later, Yang was found dead in the now empty dorm room, her body covered in bruises, seeming as if something wrapped around her and squeezed all the life out of her, both of her feet missing, suspicion of death, constriction and slight dismemberment, at that Team JNPR began to worry three days later Ren's body was found mutilated and trampled on, his tongue gone, still confuses the investigators of suspicion of death, the next day Nora was found, a gigantic bite on her left side, her feet and right arm detached and found hidden in the air vent, then four days later, Jaune left to go to the arcade, leaving Pyrrha alone reading a book, after five minutes Pyrrha heard a knock on the door, she got up, wearing a bathrobe, and opened the door, when she looked no one was there, at that she closed the door, and began to walk back to her chair and book until the door knocked again, she then went back to the door unlocked it again, and found once again no one, then Pyrrha said, "H-Hello is anyone there? Please speak up if someone is there." no one answered, making Pyrrha a little scared, so she then began to close the door, and walked back to her chair, and when she sat down, the door knocked again, and so she got back up and answered the door, and still no one was there, so she walked back to her chair, this time the door did not knock, but the windows opened suddenly, so Pyrrha closed them, and when she turned around, she felt a breeze behind her, and she turned around to see the windows open again, so she closed them again, and then she sat down, and then she heard a click, and then felt the breeze again, she turned to see the windows open again, she got up and closed them, then they didn't open again, but suddenly the room became really cold, then the lights flickered, and then Pyrrha heard a ticking sound coming from behind her, and when she turned, she cried, she saw Obsidian, standing there his head facing downward, his eyes closed, his tail replaced with a Death Stalker tail, two king Taijitu tails, his arms replaced with Death Stalker claws, and below them Nuckelavee hands, and below them Beowolf claws, Nuckelavee horns on his head, and for legs the back hooved feet of  Nuckelavee, his shirt torn, a slight gaping hole from where Pyrrha stabbed him, then Pyrrha said "Obsidian... are you okay?" at that Obsidian's face then lifted up, and Pyrrha saw all of the blood on him, and then Obsidian said "Why Pyrrha, why did you do this to me?" at that Pyrrha then began to cry more, and said "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do this." "You Killed me, you watched me die, you did nothing to save me... why didn't you try and save me, why didn't you tell anyone?" says Obsidian, and then his eyes open, showing that his eyes are shattered like a mirror, at that Pyrrha then felt something bite both of her legs, she looked down to see the Taijitu heads biting her legs, then they brought her up, then the Death Stalker pincers grabbed Pyrrha's wrists followed by the Nuckelavee hands on her arms, leaving the Beowolf hands on Pyrrha's face, while the Death Stalker tail positions itself at Pyrrha's stomach, and the specter of Obsidian says "Forgive me." at that his mouth opens wide, and bites down on her left side, eating her heart, then taking bites out of her right side. When Jaune came home he was horrified by the bloody mess, and then that is when he felt it, something going straight into his chest and pulling him in, and then through all the screams of terror, it all stops as body parts fall to the ground, making Pyrrha squirm with sadness in her sleep, now for Nora, Nora enjoying a day at the beech, then Obsidian arrives, "Hey Nora, ready for our first day off?" says Obsidian, "Yeah you bet." says Nora, at that Obsidian then runes to the water, and falls in, enjoying the slight coldness, the Nora hears a gun shot, and Obsidian then goes under, at first she thinks he's playing with her, then she gets worried, and then goes to where he was, and when she looks into the water, she see's the Nuckelavee-ish form of Obsidian, she just stands there in fear, un able to move, it gets closer to her, and then uses it's tentacled hair to grab her, which it then opens it's mouth and drops her in, and Nora scream both in the dream and in real life, "NO, PLEASE DON'T I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE, LET GO, I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!!" at that she wakes up, and runs straight into the closet, waking Team JNPR & RWBY, Ren then goes into the closet to calm Nora down, while Team RWBY just huddles together, while this is happening, Obsidian is dreaming in his house, he dreamed that he lost it completely, so he then ate everything Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Jaune, Nora, Ren, Pyrrha, even Willow, at that he woke up with a start, and he reached for his scroll, and called Yang, saying as it dialed, "Come on please pick up." and then Yang answered and said "Hello?" hesitantly with a bit of fear in her voice, then Obsidian said "Yang, can you place me on speaker please?" at that she did, and said "Alright your on speaker, what is it?"   "I need you guys to tell the professors that I won't be in class for a week, tell them it's nothing to worry, I'm fine." says Obsidian then he hangs up, and he curls into a ball, in the corner, at that his door opens, and walks in Willow wearing her night gown, and she says tiredly "Daddy is everything okay?" "Yes everything is fine sweetheart." says Obsidian, at that Willow then snuggles next to her father, and falls asleep, while he hugs her, and cries a bit.

Well sorry if this story was a bit dark, I thought that it would be a good idea to write it to show that Obsidian isn't invincible, like how you would think. Thank you Bye.

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