Part 11 Weeks.

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Obsidian sitting in his house, locked in his room, still scared of that nightmare from three days ago, sitting in the corner, barely eating, Willow sitting behind the door to her father's room, worried, about him, the same with her boyfriend Hollow, sitting beside her holding her hand, and telling her "He's going to be okay, trust me." "I know, it's just he hasn't eaten anything edible, I think he's actually eating the metal from his bed, and that he hasn't moved from that spot." says Willow, as she leans into Hollows chest, while this is happening Team RWBY and JNPR have gotten over their nightmares, but can't get over the fact that Obsidian isn't at school, however secretly for team RWBY it's a bit creepy on how they grieve, Ruby sleeps with has Obsidian's knife that he lost a long time ago and places it under her pillow in it's sheath, Weiss sleeps with a pillow that she stole from Obsidian's couch, Blake sleeps with her Ninja's of Love book that has secret writings on the inside about her and Obsidian, and Yang has Obsidian's outfit hiding under her bed sheets, the four of them know they can't have him, but yet they sometimes want to dream about being the one who holds his last name, as is the tradition occasionally in marriage, however they know the drawbacks... but this part is mostly about Obsidian so lets return to the actual story, following a fast forward, it's been seven weeks, and still Obsidian hasn't returned to school, so Willow grabs her scroll and texts Yang

Willow: Yang, it's me can you bring Team RWBY & JNPR here please, I think my daddy needs it.

Yang: Sure, Willow, we where actually planning to go there any way, tell him something to get him out of his room.

Willow: alright, I will.

At that Willow then yells through the door, "DADDY SOMEONE BROKE INTO THE SHIP'S & OC'S, THEY TOOK EVERYTHING!!!" at that Willow then heard a loud thud, and then the door opened to show Obsidian with a slight 5 o'clock shadow on his face, and his eyes seeming tired as if he hasn't slept at all, and then he says "Willow is everything okay?" the next thing Obsidian knew is that he was dragged out of the doorway, and brought down the stairs bye Hollow, and setting him down on the couch. "Stay, Mr Grimmson." says Hollow as he makes a staying motion with his hand, and then Obsidian noticed that Team RWBY and JNPR are sitting down in the living room also, and then Willow and Hollow sat down next to Obsidian. "... Is this an Intervention?" asks Obsidian as he notices a slight banner, at that everyone else looks down, and Yang says "Yes... Kinda, Obsidian you haven't been to school in a long time, were worried about you, please come back to Beacon." at that almost everyone starts to cry, and then Ruby says "Yang's right, Obsidian we miss you, even the teachers and other students are worried, Oobleck misses you, Port misses you, even Cardin misses you." Meanwhile in Team CRDL's Dorm, Cardin is doing disco with his team mates celebrating that Obsidian still isn't back, but back to Obsidian's place. "Obsidian you Dolt, come back to Beacon, and I know you find it hard to believe us, but we do miss you." says Weiss, Blake nods in agreement "Yeah, whose going to tell me funny stories?" says Jaune as he remember Obsidian telling him that story, "And who else will make me pancakes besides Ren?" says Nora, as Ren nods also in agreement seeming tired, then Pyrrha says "Obsidian, you are going to school got it?" Obsidian didn't seem to like Pyrrha's motherly tone, and he says "Fine." at that he gets up and goes to the bathroom to take a shower, after two minutes he comes out, wearing clean clothes, shaved, and looking better, after that everyone leaves, and then the next day, Obsidian gets up, and leaves to go to Beacon. And after a few days he went into a Poison High.

Sorry Everyone that this is late, and I am glad to say the next page, will be interesting, a crossover, thanks, bye.

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