Part 28 Karen.

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Obsidian stands on a roof, looking over Vale, he then sighs as he lifts up his White Fang Mask, and then he sighs, and at that his Dark Green Aura covers around him, mixing with Grimm Smoke, when it clears he is in a different form, with the armor of the Arma Gigas, his head being normal, showing his eyes, Black sclera and white irises, and on his back is Nevermore and Griffon Wings, his tails being a Nevermore Tail, and two Griffon Tails, in this form he calls it the Grimm Angel, and then he takes flight, "A Phoenix, a majestic creature, but no matter how majestic it still caries a great burden." says Obsidian wisely as he flies off, thinking of someone that he hurt, Karen Blaze, after a while he lands in-front of a hospital, his form evaporating, as he walks in, his mask in his jacket, he goes to the desk, "I'm here to see Karen Blaze, again." says Obsidian, "Same room as always." says the receptionist without looking up, Obsidian then walks to the room, and opens the door, showing a girl with really long red hair asleep in a bed, "Hi Karen, I just came by to see how you are doing.... Yeah, I know, you still hate me.... for what I did." says Obsidian.

Karen's memory, In a small village that was somewhat near Kuroyuri, the Nuckelavee Grimm not knowing of it, there in this little village walks a young little girl, barefoot, wearing a red and golden silk dress, and two small scarlet and gold wings sticking out of her exposed back, and on her face is a smile, in this village she is treated as a goddess, her name is Karen Blaze, an eleven year old girl, born into something that will soon consume her head with fear, days pass, and the village doesn't do so well their crops die, the new born children get sick, the animals die, and the villagers blame it all on Karen, they start to throw things at her, from rocks, to bones, hoping to drive her out, calling her a "Monster, Worthless, Pathetic excuse for a Goddess." those words cut Karen deep so much like a knife, it wasn't just the other villagers even her parents shunned her, they wouldn't even look at her, the only times that they did was to abuse her when they where in a drunken rage, Karen's appearance became sad, her legs bruised, her lips split, her vivid red hair tangled, tears staining her cheeks, however there where times when she was happy, there was a special hill that she would hide, a bit far from her village, where she could be at peace, however one day was different, when she walked back when night fell, the village was set ablaze, ransacked, pillaged by bandits, and attacked by the creatures of Grimm, she walked to the middle of the village, she saw the carnage, the dead bodies of her tormentors, she dropped to her knees, and started to cry, at the spot flowers started to grow where the tears touched, she then got up and ran, she ran as fast as she can, she had no good memories of that place anyway, her happy memories erased by the first thing that hit her in the head, she managed to stay low, as if undercover, until she was taken by the White Fang, she resisted them as their leadership and ways changed, she found herself when she woke up, that she was in a rather large cage, "H-Hello?" says Karen rather scared for her life, "Please can someone let me out?" she says, but at that someone walked out of the darkness, and held handcuffs, the person unlocked the cage, placed them on her, and they walked out of the cage, the stranger took her somewhere different, somewhere, where she would find herself being tortured for a long time, the stranger placed her in a chair, and cuffed her to it, which the stranger then left, and out came another, this one wearing all black, and wearing a full mask, but she could tell that he was smiling behind his mask, "Well, well, well, the bird is awake." he says maliciously, making Karen squirm with fear, and then before she could register it, the White Fang member, stabbed both of her legs with two knives in each hand, "Lets have some fun." he says with a smile, Karen screaming out in pain, next thing she see's is a Deathstalker tail pointing at her face,, the stranger then slashes her arms with the two knives, making her scream out, "PLEASE STOP I'LL GIVE YOU WHATEVER YOU WANT!!!" screams Karen, "Shhh, we are almost done, my name is Obsidian, you are Karen, these are your punishments for fighting the White Fang." says Obsidian, at that he stops the torment, and his Deathstalker tail then goes to Karen's arm, and lightly pricks her, and under her skin is a darkness, which then disappears, he then brings Karen close and says "Dream of me, little bird." and at that Karen is taken back to her bird cage and she feels rather tired, and she dreams of horrifying nightmares, ones that she knows that she isn't in control of, she see's him each and every time it shifts, standing there with that evil smile, the mask in his hands. The worst torture that she endured was the clipping.... the clipping of her wings, that is what made her into what she is today, during the nights, she learned how to fly, she tried to escape, once, the punishment was worse, they placed her on a table, strapped down, her wings held out by clasps, and Obsidian wielding a knife, cuts her wings off, performing surgery on her, when he finished he salted her back, to heal her wounds, her wings starting to turn to ashes, never to reform themselves, Obsidian though his mask never showed it, he cried with each and every cut, and he made a decision, he decided to leave, and so he confronted Adam, and interestingly enough, Adam let him leave, and at that Obsidian left the tent, went to where they keep the prisoners, he broke open the cages, and he opened Karen's he went in, and grabbed her, and ran with her in his arms, and out of the base, never to be seen.

Obsidian watches over Karen, constantly, making sure she gets food, and rest, though she doesn't know it, Obsidian tries and tries to leave her shoes to wear, however she always throws them away, and leaves without anyone noticing , and as always she tracks down Obsidian, and tries to kill him, but she fails each and every time, and wakes up in the same place, over, over, over, and over again.

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