Part 9 Pyrrha & Nora

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When Pyrrha and Nora woke up they felt something a bit off, they couldn't really understand why, but something felt different from everyday, one there was the smell of pancakes cooking from the kitchen, how was it different from any normal day, well the first thing is that Ren was still in bed asleep, and Jaune wasn't in bed, so both Pyrrha and Nora got out of their beds, and then Pyrrha put on a bathrobe, and walked into the kitchen with Nora, and at that both of them where surprised, they saw Obsidian at the stove with a spatula and a frying pan, and to his right was a gigantic stack of pancakes, and Jaune was there sitting at the table, laughing as Obsidian is telling a joke, "Any way Jaune, when I was out on a mission, and a rogue hunter came to me to try and kill e he then realized that his mistake was..." says Obsidian, stopping to add drama, while Jaune leans over eager to hear the next part of the story, "A Grimm mistake." and at that both Obsidian and Jaune burst out laughing, "Oh man, that's hilarious." says Jaune as he continues to laugh, "And that's when I then sent that rogue hunter to the hospital, he was treated because he soiled his pants, and was acting completely insane." at that Obsidian continues to laugh. "But it's okay I send him a get well card each month, he's making some good progress, I have a picture of him, hold on." at that Obsidian then let go of the frying pan with his left hand reached into his pocket, and brought out his scroll, and opened up pictures, and then used his tail to hand the scroll to Jaune, showing a really pale guy with pale white eyes and black hair sitting in a wheelchair, and then Nora began to laugh because she just understood Obsidian's joke, at that Obsidian turned his head and said "Ah morning, Pyrrha, morning Nora, I made breakfast, please take a seat." at that Nora & Pyrrha took their seats Nora taking a seat somewhat close to the kitchen, while Pyrrha takes a seat right next to Jaune, and then, Obsidian puts the last stack of pancakes on the plate, and then he gets two more plates, and gives them to Pyrrha and Jaune, and gives them five pancakes, and then he hands Nora the big stack of pancakes, "There you go, your wish has now been fulfilled Nora, and so has yours Pyrrha." Nora wasn't listening much, mostly due to stuffing her face with pancakes, and from the expressions on her face she could taste the chocolate, the caramel, the butterscotch, and then Pyrrha said "What do you mean Obsidian?" "It's okay Pyrrha, Obsidian got us tickets to go see a movie later on today." says Jaune, and at that Obsidian winks in Pyrrha's direction as if telling her that he got her time with Jaune, and then he got up and left Team JNPR's dorm, leaving Pyrrha sitting next to Jaune, and Nora still stuffing her face with pancakes.

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