Flower Gleam and Glow

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When I open my eyes, an aching feeling stretches up my arm. I look down at my arm and see it is still okay, but it had a bruise on it. I sit up and look around the dark classroom. The curtains were open, but the window was covered in black sand. Suddenly the door flew open and Merida strode in. She smirks at me and grabs my arm, dragging me up.

"Merida! Let go off me please!" I hiss as we exit the classroom. Outside I see all the teachers and students have yellow eyes. Am I the last one?!

"Shut up, Elsa." Her voice isn't like her own. It has a cold edge to it.

"Merida please! Look at me, it's me. Elsa! I know you're in there. You're stronger than Pitch. You are! You can defeat him! Take control of yourself!" I beg, but Merida doesn't want to hear it. She pulls me into the hall and I see Pitch sat in the headmasters chair.

"Ah Elsa! Welcome! I hope you won't make this too hard for me." Pitch says standing up and walking towards me. He looks at Merida and she lets my arm go. I make a run for the door, I can almost see my freedom, when ice shoots in front of me. I stop dead as hands snake around my waist and throw me onto the ground. I close my eyes and push the pain away. Someone crawls on top of me. Their knees on either side of my waist and their hands hold my wrists at the side of my head, in line with my ears.

"Hello, love." I recognise the voice. Horror floods through me as I open my eyes. Jack is smirking at me. He kisses me, but I don't kiss back. "How are you?" His yellow eyes sparkle, evilly.

"Jack. This isn't you." I cry, "You aren't evil."

"Shut it, I am. This is who I am. And it feels so good, to be bad." He leans forward and kisses me again. But it's not soft and gentle like the old jack, he is forceful and harsh.

"Get off me, I don't know who you are anymore you're evil!" I spit in his face. He glares at wipes off my saliva.

"Why you little-" he raises his hand to slap me, but Pitch stops him.

"Jack!" He yells, "Stop it. You can taunt her when I'm through with her." Jack smirks,

"I'll finish with you later." He clambers off me and pulls me up, still too forceful and I crash into him. I look at Jack and for the first time, I am genuinely afraid of him.

"Elsa, I'm sorry about that. Jack has been dying to see you." Pitch smirks. I look over to Jack, and his cold eyes stare back at me. He winks, I shudder. 

"What do you want with me?" I ask.

"Join me." He offers.

"No!" I yell.

"Elsa what choice do you have?" He sighs, "Everyone you love is gone. Your precious Anna?" Pitch smirks and looks behind him. Anna is stood there, her eyes glowing yellow.

"NOO!" I scream and fall onto my knees. Something happens to Jack. His body shifts at my scream and for a split second his eyes change. They look sad, and caring at the same time. He puts his hand on my shoulder, but suddenly shifts again. As though puppeteer has pulled back into control.

"C'mon Elsa." Anna says stiffly. "Join us."

"Anna..." I cry. For the first time since The Great Thaw, I feel alone. Suddenly there is a massive bang behind us all and the doors fly open. In strides, Santa, The Tooth Fairy, The Sandman, and The Easter Bunny.

"Pitch Black we should've known!" Santa booms. Pitchs eyes widen in horror.

"What are you doing here!" He cries. Everyone, who is changed, scarpers to the doors, leaving Pitch. It makes me laugh, metaphorically, how none of them stay to defend him. I am left on my knees in the centre of the room. The Tooth Fairy flies over to me.

"Are you changed?" She whispers. I shake my head, and then begin to cry. She soothes me and pulls me up and away from the unfolding fight scene. We stand by the door.

"We came for Jack. Then we realised that something was up." The Australian Bunny says. He takes out a boomerang and launches it at Pitch, who dodges.

"Curse you, Guardians. Always interfering." Pitch snarls and then, in one movement, he disappears into the shadows. Santa walks over to me.

"My name is North. Aka Santa Claus. This is Toothania and Bunnymund and Sandy." He motions to all four of them. "Who are you?"

"Elsa, Queen of Arendelle." I say, still shaking.

"Well, Elsa of Arendelle, looks like we got here just in time! Tell me, what has happened."

So I told him.

I told him all about Jack and myself. Our relationship. Me changing to fire, and this.

"I see." North says, stroking his beard. "Where is Jack now?" I point to Jack, who is glaring at us all from across the room.

"Jack!" Toothania gasps. He shoots death glares at her. And then suddenly he disappears.

"Find him! And Pitch!" North booms. All 3 other guardians take off. North wraps his big coat around me.

"Thank you." I smile and he grins.

"Elsa?" Someone squeaks. Punzie walks out from behind a curtain.

"Punz! You're the same!" I cry.

"Yes! They couldn't change me because of my qualities. It didn't allow it." She explains. That's when it hits me.

"Punzie your hair can save everyone!" I squeal.


"It's worth a shot." North grins.


A few hours later, Jack stands before us, his staff aimed to fight.

"Jack think about this." Bunny says, Jack shoots him with ice, but he moves out of the way in time.

"Leave me alone." He snarls. I fight back tears.

"Jack..." I whisper.

"Oh Elsa. Didn't see you there!" He smirks and shoots my with ice, I move away and still refuse to fight him. "Fight back!" He yells. I shake my head.

"I won't hurt you."

"Fine!" Jack yells and launches at me, knocking me onto the floor. I try get up but he lands on me again. This time I shove him off and knock his staff away. North grabs his arm and hits him around the head.

"Always wanted to do that." Bunny mutters. Jack falls, dazed. I run over to him and place his head in my lap.

"Elsa?" Jacks eyes flash blue.

"Jack! I'm here, stay with me! Don't let him take control again!" I say shaking him. He's fighting hard.

"Your so beautiful." He says. I smile.

"Thank you." I blush.

"Elsa, he's killing me. I can feel it. I'm so sorry I couldn't be strong." He says, his eyes are staring at me, but I know he's not seeing me.

"No," I cry, "you are strong."

"Please, be strong for me beautiful." And he's gone. The evil Jacks eyes return and anger fills them. I jump back and wipe my eyes. I shoot ice at him.

"Let him go!" I scream and shoot more ice. A piece hits his arm and he frowns. Distracted by my shot, he doesn't notice Punz wrap her hair around him and tightens it.

"Let me go!" He roars. I nod to Punz and she begins to sing.

Jacks eyes return to their original colour and they gain their caring, fun nature. He falls to the floor, eyes closed.

"Jack?" I say, edging closer to him. His eyes fly open and he looks at me.

"Elsa!" He pulls me into an embrace. I bury my face in his shoulder. "I thought I'd lost you."

"Same!" I cry and his arms tighten around me.

Don't Wish ~ Elsa/Jack/Rapunzel ~ EDITINGTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang