Need You

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When I wake up, it takes me a moment to figure things out. Turning over onto my back, I glance to my left and see a sleeping Elsa. Her Queen like face is gone and is replaced by a peaceful, beautiful pose.

Oh god.

It's undeniable now.

I'm .... in love with Elsa.

I rub my eyes with the palms of my hands. Letting out a quiet groan, I sit up. Glancing at Elsa again, I notice her eyes are wide open. Her big, glassy, blue eyes are staring straight at me. Boring into my soul.

"Morning, your Majesty." I smirk. She pulls a face.

"Don't. I hate that unless it's formal business." She mumbles and rolls onto her back as well.

"Sleep well?" I ask. She hesitates.

" about you?"

"Good, thanks." Because I was in the same room as you. I don't say this to her, but its the truth.

"I'm guessing you're hungry?" she asks. I nod.


"You always are." She laughs and pulls herself out of bed. We both fell asleep in our clothes so there was no point getting dressed. We both walk into the kitchen, which is now inhabited by good and dirty plates and cutlery.

"I'll cook!" I offer.

"Okay," Elsa says taking a seat at the island table, "but please, no more Peanut Butter or whatever it's called." I laugh at her and shake my head.

"Okay. How about coffee and..porridge?" I offer. Seems easy to make.

"Oh that's more like it! I'll have banana and honey on mine!" she grins. I raise my eyebrows.

"Okay...bit choosy aren't we?" I smirk.

"I'm a Queen. I'm allowed." She sassed and ran a hand through her hair.



After breakfast Jack begins to clean up.

"Leave it. I need you to teach me about my powers!" I say waving my hand in his direction. I accidentally freeze some ice plates over with frost.

"Oh dear!" he laughs and walks out of the kitchen. Great one Elsa. I follow jack and find him in the main hall. "Right where to about..."

"Control?" I suggest. Jack frowns.

"I was getting to that." He mutters. He begins to teach me how to not let my emotions get the better of my powers.

After a few hours, we are getting no where.

"I know love helps me but-" I am cut off by jacks hands on my waist.

"In order to produce good magic," he whispers, "you need to stand correctly. Arm up." I follow his instructions, "hand slightly pointed that way. Good now think about something or someone. And let your powers go."


I think about first. I feel like I am in control when suddenly Jack pops into my head. I begin to spiral out of control. Ice forms here and there. Sparking up everywhere. Jack dodges a growing shard.

"What happened?!" he asks, a bit frantic.

"I...I was side tracked!"

"By what!?" he exclaims. I glare at him.

"Nothing. I'm sick of this. We've been at it for hours."

"Well you wanted to learn!" Jack snaps.

"I know, I know." I mutter.

"God Elsa your so...indecisive. It's irritating."

"Jack?!" I am taken aback by his words.

"What?! You are!!"

"What are you trying to get at Jack?"

"Why do you shut everyone out?" he asks.

"I...leave it out." I say, looking away.

"No Elsa. Please. Tell me. I can't live with this anymore."

"Then leave. It's only been two days. They shouldn't hate you too much back at school." He looks really hurt by my words, but it's true.

"That's not what I want." he whispers.

"It's what I want." I murmur, turning away again. I hear him sigh then there is a gust of air. I turn back but see the doors flying open.

He's gone.



She needs me. I know it.

I land in a wooded area, and began to take it all out on myself. How could Elsa do that!? What did I do wrong?

Face it Jack, it's time to do what must be done. Tell her how you feel.

I tried to ignore the voice in my head, but I knew it was right. She had a right to know. I was about to fly and tell her how sorry I was and that I did like her, when I heard a sniffling behind me.

Turning around, I walk towards the sound. Then I see long blonde hair.


I walk up to her quietly and listen to her talking to Merida.

"He was the only one for me." She cries.

"Punz, you have Eugene now. Why do you need him anyway. I'm sorry to admit this, really I am! But I think he loves Elsa now." Merida says.

"I know but he's always on my mind."

"Punzie, Punzie, punzie." I whisper. She sits up and looks around. I hide behind a tree and pray she doesn't see me.

"What's up?" Asks Merida.

"Nothing. I thought I heard something."

"Um, okay. Let's go. We are going to be late." Merida says and pulls Punzie away. I rub my forehead in frustration. Maybe I should go back to Punz. She wants me.


I take off for Elsa's. My mind made up. But when I get there, she's not there.

"Elsa?" I call out.

That's when I notice all the black same on the floor, and the ice. Pitch was here! He's got her, I know it. I am about to take off, when I realise, I don't know where the hell he is!

Pacing around the room, I try to think. And not panic. A small, old, price of paper catches my eye. I grab it swiftly and read it.


I have Elsa. You've probably guessed. Clever boy, you are.

-he just called me a boy! I'm a man, not a ignorant child!-

We are somewhere you know well. Very well. Begins with a B? Home might ring a few bells!!

-P & Your beloved Elsa

I rip the paper up and prepare to fly to Burgess. This is a rescue mission, and I'm going it alone.

Don't Wish ~ Elsa/Jack/Rapunzel ~ EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now