Like A Pheonix

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When I open my eyes I have no idea where I am. Suddenly I see a light, and run at it. But chains stop me. Not around my hands like last time, but around my waist. Where was I? I think as I examine my prision. Then, behind me, a door creaks open. I close my eyes, fear gripping my soul.

"Don't be afraid Elsa." Someone whispers. My blood runs cold. I know that voice.

"Pitch Black?" I say, risking a glance behind me.

"The one and only!" He laughs. I turn to look at him. He's the same as he was when he haunted my bedroom as a child. When I was gripped with fear of hurting Anna, he was there, living off my fear, making it grow.

"What do you want?" I snap.

"You have quite a fire in you, don't you." He smirks, "Perfect for my plan."

"W-what are you going to do?" I ask, as I watch Pitch pulls out some smoking, sand like, substance.

"I'm so sorry Elsa." He laughs and throws the stuff in my eyes. I begin to scream as I feel my body heating up. My hands begin to catch fire as I scream. I collapse onto the floor and try think straight, but instead I let out another painfilled scream.

"Elsa!" I hear jacks voice. I open my eyes and see him fly into the room.

"Jack! Run!" I scream as another wave of white hot power surges through me. I can almost see memories of Jack burning.

"No! Elsa!" He yells and runs towards me, but Pitch lashes out and knocks Jack clean out. He lays infornt of me, completely still.

And that's when I black out as well.



When I open my eyes, I look around. A man is stood infront of me. He is dressed in black and has pale skin.

"Pheonix, my beautiful Phoenix." He smiles. I know this man. Pitch Black?

"Pitch?" I say, my voice is light, yet drips with hatred.

"Yes Pheonix! How are you feeling?"

"Like hell." I smirk. Pitch smiles.

"Your name is Phoenix and you are capable of weilding fire." Pitch grins. I look down at myself and see I am dressed in an orange, chinese looking, dress. I have brown hair that falls over my shoulder. I expand my arms out and I see, attached to my dress and arms, where light orange wings. I wiggle my fingers and sparks of fire flys out. Pitch smiles and whispers,



My head pounds, and I awake in the school infirmary. Rapunzel, Merida and Hiccup are at my bedside.

"Jack?" Hiccup speaks first, laying a hand on my shoulder.

"What am I doing here?" Is the first thing I say. Well spit.

"Jack, we found you at the main gates, unconcious." Rapunzel says. I stare at her, and she begins to cry. I raise my eyebrows. "Sorry, sorry. I missed you Jack."

"Really?" I ask. Suddenly all the feelings I had for Punzie come flooding back. I did miss her. She nods. I smile at her and she lights up.

"I love you Jack."

"Awh!" Merida smiles, Hiccup nudges her in the ribs and she shuts up. I don't know what to say. Punz looks hurt.

"Um, I'm not feeling too good." I lie. Punz and the others file out, I am left alone. I try to remember what had happened with Pitch and Elsa.

Don't Wish ~ Elsa/Jack/Rapunzel ~ EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now