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"I'll see you at 6 then, snowflake." Hans kissed my cheek and walked in the direction of his British Gang. I watched him go and then turned to see Jack.

"Oh! I forgot! Sorry..." I muttered. It was 5th lesson, I'd forgot to meet him after 3rd.

"Where were you all day?" He asked.

"With Hans." I said as we walked together.

"Seriously? What is it with that guy? And Snowflake? Really?" He snickered.

"What is up Jack? It's not like we are best friends so what does it matter anyway?" I asked, rounding on him. He avoided my eyes. What was with him.

"N-nothing. I just..." He sighed in defeat.

"That's what I thought." I snapped and let my shoudlers slump. I pulled my cape around me and fastened it up.

"Elsa, wait!" Jack called. I turned to look at him, "before you go, let me walk you."

"Alright." I said, taking a deep breath.

"So...where you from?" He asked.

"Arendelle. You?" I asked him, he laughed and his shoudlers rose up,

"Yeaaah, I don't do back story." He laughed. I rose my eyes brows at him and he laughed again.

"So, you're Jack Frost. The Jack Frost." I said looking at him.

"Yeah. Guardian of fun!" Jack grinned, then stared at me. "Do you love Hans?" I was taken aback by how forward his question was.

"Why do you care Jack?" I asked him. He looked around, we were near my room.

"I'm just asking. Hans isn't a good guy Elsa." Jack tried to reason with me.

"He is too me! Stay out of this Jack, I met you a few days ago, you don't get to tell me what to do yet." I snapped and stormed into my room. Punzie squealed, for she was only in a towel, and slammed the door shut.

"Elsie? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Punzie, stay away, I'm dangerous when I'm angry. It'll get ugly." I whispered, controlling my powers.

"Huh! You ugly? PLEASE!! Now let's get ready!" She said, when I turned back aroun she was already in her dress, and was looking at herself in the mirror. I watched her apply someone foundation and eyeliner, before taking my cape off. I walked into our little en suite and shut the door.

"Let it go...let it go..." I hummed as I took my crown out of my hair, and pulled out my hair into a messy braid, like it was before. I smiled at my relfection. I was the old Elsa again! The one who was in her Ice Palace in Arendelle. God I missed Anna. I unzipped my dress and let it fall to the ground. I then closed my eyes and held my hands up. Instantly I my Ice Dress falling over my body. I opened my eyes and flung my arms out, the sleeves running along them and clasping over my middle finger. Smiling at it, I ran my hands through my bangs and shook them slightly. I then looked back at my reflection. It was the old me. I leant forward and applied my make up.

All too soon, Punzie knocked on the door.

"Elsie? Are you ready?" She called, "You've been in there all evening, I'm worried about you-" I flung open the door and Punzies mouth formed a perfect O. "You look...amazing!" She smiled and grabbed my hand. "C'mon!"

"Wait! I have to stay here, Hans is picking me up."

"Oh, okay. That's sweet. I wish Jack did that. Anyway, see you at the party Elsie." She beamed and then took off towards Meridas room. I sat on the bed and played with the necklace Hans got me. Running the charms along the chain. What if Jack was right?

"Hans isn't a good guy Elsa." He had said. Maybe Jack was right. He did seem to care about me...but he had Punzie. He asked her to the dance. I'm silly, making up this love story.

Suddenly the door knocked and Hans opened it.

"Elsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa." He held the A when he saw me standing in the middle of the room.

"Hi Hans." I waved slightly.

"You look amazing. Just like when you...nevermind. You're stunning. Might even outshine Miss Popular!" He laughed. I smiled, and he held out his arm, "Shall we?"

"Oh what a Gent!" I laughed, faking a posh accent and taking his arm.

"Well, I am a prince." He smiled and saw my necklace shimmering against my bare skin. "I'm glad you're wearing that. It looks lovely. Just like you my snowflake." He had all the right things to say! We reached the main hall of the old Castle and Hans let me go.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"To get a drink, I'll meet you down there." He grinned and pushed open the doors, and swept down the stair case leading in. All my nerves gathered together. What if I froze something! I'd be a laughing stock! What if I slipped on the way down all those stairs! My hands grew colder and I knew my powers were rising.

"Calm down silly." I soothed myself, "It'll be alright. Just don't look for Jack!" I laughed and pushed the doors open...


I stood at the bar with Hiccup. Both of us dressed in smart clothing. There was no sign of Elsa anywhere. I caught a glimpse of Hans ordering 2 drinks, so she must be here.

"Hey Hiccup, have you seen Elsa?" I asked. Hiccup didn't answer. I looked at him, and then I saw he was looking up slightly. I followed his gaze to the top of the stair case and then I saw her. Elsa. She was wearing a beautful blue dress that shimmered and shone at her every movement. Her hair was in a messy fish-tail braid and her bangs were like ice shards. She had a beautifully crafted tail as well that began at her underarms. She looked dazzling.

"Hello Jack." She smiled as she walked down the stairs. I grinned at her.

"You look beautiful." I whispered as I helped her on the last few steps,

"Not as much as Punzie." She whispered back.

"Just as pretty!" I whsipered quickly as Hans approached us.

"Hello Jack, Elsa! I got you a drink." Hans said handing it to her. She went to take it but the glass frosted over. The drink would freeze.

"No, thank you." Elsa smiled. Punzie came over to us,

"Save me a dance?" I smirked at Elsa and she winked. Cute. I wandered over to Punz.

"She's stealing my light." Punz snapped. I glared at her.

"So what? Get over it Punz." I hissed and walked away, leaving her stunned. I wandered over to the fountain that was positioned in the corner of the large hall. It had been decorated with banners and streamers and some makeshift sign that read "Welcome Back!" in scrawny blue letters. My time at the college had given me so many new friends, but since Elsa turned up, I honestly felt like my purpose here had not been fulfilled until now. I watched her, Hans' arm loosely around her waist, her head rested on his shoulder as they slow danced. I mean what did she even see in that guy that I didn't have? So he had warmer skin, and could been seen by everyone in the entire world. And so what he was mortal, I could give her forever! I suddenly realised my emotions had got the better of me and froze over the water in the fountain. "Bugger." I chucked to myself, carefully thawing it all. I looked up to see Hiccup staring at me, had he seen the whole thing?

Don't Wish ~ Elsa/Jack/Rapunzel ~ EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now