I wanna be your lost boy

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"Let go of meee!" Kirsten struggled but his grip and the length of his wrist was too long for her. Jack suddenly released her as he placed the phone to Kirsten's lap. Kirsten scrambled in looking for the message but Jack already deleted it!

"Did you delete it?" she asked.

"You don't need to know." He said before climbing on top of Kirsten and grabbing away her phone again.

The next day, Kirsten woke up in a different way. Kinda icky knowing that a tongue is touching her lips. "Wake up!" a low voice said, most likely was Jack's. But if he's speaking while someone is licking Kirsten-

"Olivia!" Kirsten exclaimed and she received a cute bark in response. Kirsten quickly sat up and reached out for Olivia. Jack was all smiles as Olivia seemed to have taken a liking to Kirsten.

Kirsten laid her down to the bed and gave her a tummy rub. Olivia's foot moved like crazy and it brought out a lovely laugh from the two. "When did she came?"
"Joe brought her just now. They're going on vacation so they can't take care of her anymore."

"But Olivia's your baby? I even forgot about you, you little patootle!!" Kirsten asked then cuddled into Olivia's damp nose.

"Olivia's been there since the start of the tour when we met you. My niece and nephews love her so much that they wanted to keep her for good."

"So you agreed to that?!" She sounded a bit furious about the idea.

Jack shook his head with a chuckle, "Of course not. I just couldn't get her immediately because of everything that happened to us. I don't want my baby to get so stressed out in travelling." then they shared a kiss for Olivia's cheeks.

"So where are they going?" Kirsten asked as they went down the stairs, Olivia was already waiting on the first floor with her tail wagging like crazy.

"Grand Canyon?" Jack answered absent-mindedly, but he doesn't really know. "Just kidding. I already forgot about it."

Breakfast was already served and all that's missing is the carton of milk and while Jack's at it, Kirsten made a quick scan on her phone. No more messages from her dad. He might have got pissed with Kirsten pushing Jack as her hero and protector in every text, though it's the truth. 

Kirsten showed her phone to Jack, right at his face like how he would do it. "I'm getting support now!" She said.

Jack noticed the message, but above and below the comments were all nasty remarks. He smiled at her, knowing that she's narrowing her vision to only the good things. Jack kissed her and hugged her right after he put the milk to the kitchen island. "That's my girl!" He whispered.

"More like" Kirsten looked up at him from where she was sitting, "that's my wife!"

"Mrs. Barakat!" Jack exclaimed and Olivia second the motion before they continue with their breakfast. There's a busy day ahead of them. Kirsten still have some voice lessons with Harry; they will meet up with May somewhere down the city proper and then they will all go to another doctor that May recommended. If the pregnancy test kit that Kirsten used a couple of days before is right, then they are expecting an angel to come to their lives again.

Their minds were at rest since the pregnancy test resulted as positive. It must have been a helpful factor to Jack and Kirsten in dealing with the fans' varied reactions regarding their relationship.

It still seems like the worst is just waiting around the corner since these fans haven't figured out that the two are actually married already. Kirsten couldn't imagine the look on their faces, the objects on their hands, and the bad remarks that are lingering in their tongues, waiting for the right time to spew out.

Somewhere in NeverlandOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora