Chapter 26

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Nana walk into the shop house, as she enter she could smell the aroma of the new bread being bake inside the shop house. It just like how her mother use to make every day when she was alive.

"Nana!!!" she heard someone called her from the kitchen entrance. She slowly walk to the kitchen and saw her mother was preparing ingredient to put inside the bread.

"Mum!!!" said Nana softly, her heart was beating very fast as she could not believe her eyes that her mother is standing in front of her. Her mother turns around and smiles at her. Nana immediately run towards her mother and hug her tight as she cry her heart out.

"I miss you...I miss you so much. I'm sorry mum...I'm really sorry!!!" cried Nana. Na Young hug her daughter tight and says,

"I miss you too. You don't have to said sorry. I am very proud of what you did. There nothing in the world I could have done other then I know that my daughter had just save someone else children. I'm sorry to have leave you by yourselves." Na young tears roll out from her eyes.

"You wouldn't leave me anymore right?" said Nana. Na Young look at her daughter and says,

"I have to leave but I want you to know that I be looking at you. Where ever you are I'll always be there for you." Na Young kiss her fore head before disappearing. Nana look up and saw her mother disappear, but suddenly she saw herself inside a room. She slowly sat up and found herself inside a ward room. The door of the ward room open and the first person she saw was Chul Woo who stood froze when he saw sitting on the bed. Chul Woo stare at her, his heart stood still, somehow a mix feeling of relieve and also shock. Jun Ho walk in and saw him stood there and see what he saw when suddenly Jun Ho saw Nana was sitting up on the bed.

"Nurse!!Nurse!!!" shouted Jun Ho while he runs out of the ward room to search for a nurse or doctor. Chul Woo regain himself before slowly walking towards Nana. He stood near the bed and look at her relieve that she finally wake up from her coma.

"What happen?" said Nana. Chul Woo suddenly hug her tight.

"I thought I would lose you!!! You silly why did you do that?" said Chul Woo while Nana still puzzles on how she got in the ward. Nurse and doctor storm the ward asking Chul Woo and Jun Ho to wait outside so that they could check her.

After about 20 minutes, the doctors and nurses walk out of the ward.

"How is she doctor?" said Chul Woo.

"She's fine nothing to worry, we just need her to stay for a few more day before we discharge her." said the doctor before he leave them alone with Nana. Ban and Seol came just in time, as they walk in Seol run to her and hug Nana tightly. Out of all the people, Seol stay with her every day, day and night as she did not want to leave Nana side.

" god Nana thank god you alright." Said Seol as tear roll out from her eyes.

"I'm fine. I'm sorry to have worry everyone." Said Nana felt guilt for what happen that night. Seol pull from the hug and look at her angry. After the operation, Chul Woo told them what happen at the balcony and what Byung Him had told them.

"I am really mad at you. Why did you do that?" said Seol angrily.

"During the undercover I discover more then what I should. The death of Han Soo, the truth behind what happen to me that day and mum. It all started because of him, he did not just kill those students but almost 2 most important people in my life then. I could not take it anymore; to me even if he were to be sentence he will still come out and kill some more, without knowing I push him down the balcony. When he was about to fall he pull together me with him. I'm really sorry for what I have done. I'm ready for whatever punishment after this." Said Nana. Everyone look at her, they understand what she had gone thought.

"It's alright, if it was not because of you he would have already kill Hye Su and would get away with it. And because of that we uncover more of his victims from previous school he use to work." Said Ban.

"It seem that he was doing this for years and no one caught him till we reinvestigate it. He has a pattern kill 6 student in 2 years before he resign and start again." said Seol. Everyone felt chill on their spine.

"Wow...I don't think I'll be sleeping tonight!" said Chul Woo.

"But now you're a hero Nana and I can't believe that you came to this school as an undercover cop." said Jun Ho.

"See thanks to me we manage to get the real killer." Said Bora as she was super excited to have rescue and help Nana in finding the truth. Everyone laugh and smile at least they felt relieve from whatever guilt that have kept them awake at night.

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