Chapter 15

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It has already been 2 months since Nana start the undercover operation but still they were unable to gather more information. He only way was to get any footage of the mystery guy who stole the thumb drive. Mi-ran had been pushing Ban for update when there was none. He too became restless and impatient. Seol run towards his desk with a file which she give it to him. Ban open the file and says,

"What is it?"

"It the camera footage, the tech guys manage to get the physique of the person who stole the thumb drive."

"What!! No face being capture?" while Ban look at the picture that they manage to pull off to from several CCTV.

"Nope only his physique." said Seol, she know that it will not do Nana any good but as least they have something then nothing.

"How can we work with this?" said Ban.

"I'm still trying to get them to find more but we need to tell Nana what we got as least she can find that person in his school." said Seol again. Ban nod his head and pass the file to her and says,

"Tell her about this and ask her to find anyone who look like it and report back."

"I understand." said Seol while she walk away to share the new information to Nana as soon as she can.

Seol called Nana to meet her at one of the cafe far from both the school and the police station. Nana walk into the cafe and saw Seol was waiting for her. She walk towards her and says,

"I'm sorry I'm late I had to wait for Eun-mi mother to pick her up."

"How is she?" said Seol as Nana had already told her about the incident at school and also with the parents group.

"Still the same, sometime she does not come to school and went she did she would just sit beside me till the school is over. And with her always around I can't get more lead for the case."

"Talking about the lead, the tech guys manage to get the picture of the mystery guy who stole the thumb drive." said Seol while she give the file to Nana. Nana open and look if it was the correct person.

"It look like the back of the guy but did any camera capture the face?"

"No we still working on it."

"What am I suppose to do with the guy back? Do I have to see people back and see if there are the same?" said Nana while she give out a big sigh and close the file.

"I understand it's hard but we have to try."

"Ok. Let's see what we have, we know that this guy stole the footage. He might be the involve or he know someone who is involve, he know that me and Bora went to meet Gi at the same place. He waited for Gi to pass the thumb drive before he make a run for it."

"Do you think Bora and Gi have anything to do with it?"

"Bora no because she is interested with the case and Gi there nothing good come for him since he only aim was money."

"Right so he can't be anyone outside from school either."

"The police or the prosecutor office does not know about the mission. Anyone else knew about this?"

"No one knew about this operation."

"Then the only thing is that he is someone from school who might overheard our conversation and had follow us since the beginning."

"He might be either the teachers, the admin staff or the students."

"I need to look for him or her around the school. Yeah me!" said Nana. Now she had to find the suspect who might be either a student or a staff.

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