Chapter 24

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Nana run toward the balcony at the teacher lounge and saw Byung Him was trying to climb down the balcony to escape. Nana quickly went to him and pull him back up which she manage to do it before kicking his stomach and fall on the ground.

"Stay where you are!!! I know what you did to the suicide victim." said Nana angrily. Byung Him suddenly starts to laugh. Nana looks at him and saw he was laughing like a mad man. He then slowly stood up and says,

"I know you were special....I know that if I get you into the same state I will enjoy you more than the rest of the students."

"Well sorry been there done that. Sorry to disappoint you."

"I can kill you myself." said Byung Him as he run towards Nana and threw a push towards her but she manage to dodge and kick his stomach before punching his face. As he moves back he taste blood coming into his mouth, he look at Nana who was not going to bring her guard down.

"Full of confident I see!!!!" said Bung Him as he give Nana a scary vibe. Byung Him immediately charge and run towards Nana and punch her face making her move back. Byung Him then punches her stomach before kicking her making her scream in pain. Byung Him saw a chair at the corner, he walk to the chair, carry it up before he want to slam it onto Nana but before he could do that Chul Woo came in time and use his body to shield her. The wooden chair smash into pieces, Chul Woo try to hold himself up so that he does not look weak but Nana know that it was painful. She got really angry that Byung Him the killer had hurt Chul Woo. She stood up, Byung Him want to punch her but she manage to catch his hand, twist it, stand in front of him, pull him closer to her before she carry him and slam him into the hard ground. Nana looks at Byung Him who was crying in pain, as she thought that it was it, she run to Chul Woo to see how he is.

"Are you alright?" said Nana.

"I'm fine you?" said Chul Woo as he look up but to his horror Byung Him as stood up and was standing behind her with a pocket knife.

Before Chul Woo could do anything, Byung him had already place the knife at her neck and pull her up.

"You think you are going to stop me!!! Huh.... I don't think so." he said while pulling Nana to the edge of the balcony. Chul Woo stood up and slowly walk to him, to try to stop him for hurting Nana.

"Let her go take me instead not her." said Chul Woo.

"Oh... that sweet." said Byung Him.

"Please...not after what happen to her. Take me instead." beg Chul Woo but Byung Him only laugh at his bravery.

"Even if I want to Chul Woo she is much more precious that you or your late best friend Han Soo." The moment Byung Him said Han Soo name, Nana and Chul Woo heart stop.

"Remember him....your best friend that died in the warehouse where you saw him dead! With your bare hand you pull the knife out from his stomach." Said Byung Him describing what Chul Woo had seen that dad, just like he was there.

"What are you talking about? WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT HAN SOO??" shouted Chul Woo as he felt that their school counselor know something about what happen that day that no one in the world knew about. That day where Nana innocent disappeared, the moment she enter the warehouse.

"I was there I killed him, just like her and her curiosity he died in my hand when he confronted me when he saw what I did to the previous student. After when I came to this school that I found out how close you and he was. I waited for you to come to me but you never did. Then I saw her, full of confident I always wanted to see what happen to her when all that confident drain out but she never did. So no you can't have her...maybe in the next life but if we meet again she still be mine." Said Byung Him as he wanted to use the knife to slit Nana throat when suddenly Nana took his hand which was holding the knife, she twist his hand so hard that Byung Him drop the knife, Nana turn and look at him with her face full with angry and tears.

"He was not only his friend but he was my first love. You did not just kill him that day, you kill me, you kill Chul Woo and because of what you did you kill my mother. And I will not let you go, you want me your wrong I WANT YOU!!" said Nana as she bent Byung Him hand forcedly making him scream in pain, Nana look at him full of anger and revenge.

She want to see him die, she know that if she don't stop him and the police catch him he will be release in the next few years and he will start hunting again. She pushes him very close to the parapet; Byung Him try to push her using his other hand but Nana was too strong for him. Nana pushes him till his body was half way floating,

"I'm sorry... please don't ...please...don't!!!" beg Byung Him as he could see that Nana would not let him go. Byung Him grad holds of her arm.

"Nana don't...Nana!!!" beg Chul Woo but Nana did not listen. Her mind was only to take revenge for what happen to Han Soo and her mother and now she know the truth nothing else matters. Nana pushes him further away from the parapet and within second Byung Him body was no longer on top of the parapet. Byung Him grab Nana's arm tightly, the moment the gravity pull him down, Byung Him pulls Nana arms and together with him, they fall down to the hard ground with Nana on top of him. Chul Woo run towards the parapet, as he look down his mind went blank.

"What have you done?" said Chul Woo to himself. The police came just in time, they went to Byung Him and check if he is still alive but he died on the spot but when they went to Nana they could feel her pulse.

"Get the ambulance ... she alive!!!" Immediately Chul Woo leg turn jelly, he falls to the ground with his tears roll out from his eyes. He thought he had lost her, someone he cherishes most in his life now.

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