Chapter 37: Isolated

Start from the beginning

I wake up the next morning with the sun illuminating the forest ground. The smell of dew and wet vegetation fills my nose, and also the subtle hint of body odor.

Just like everything else around me, my body's wet with dew. It was very uncomfortable to sleep last night. I kept waking up, and tossing and turning. But I always managed to fall back asleep again. Good thing too, I needed the sleep. We all did.

I sit up and wipe the dirt off my body. The small bits crumble off, but leave a stain of black down my arms, shoulders, and chest. It's probably on my face too. I'm completely filthy.

After getting the crust out of my eyes, and wiping the junk out between my lips, I stand up. I stretch my arms and legs since they're stiff from sleeping on the ground. Everyone's sleeping, except Cameron who's standing against a tree looking out into the forest.

Brianna's still in the same position as before, next to Wilbur. Who, to my surprise, it still hooked up to that half ass leash. I wonder why he hasn't ran away. Scooter and Layke are laying next to each other on the other side of the fire, which is almost fully burned out. Robbie is against the tree still, his head slumped over onto his shoulder. I hope he doesn't fuck up his neck laying like that.

I put my gun into my jeans and walk up behind Cameron.

"Morning." I say with a sweet smile.

"Wow, you've looked better." He laughs as he turns around to look at me.

"Thanks. Why didn't you wake me up? To take watch?"

"Didn't need too. You needed sleep and I was already wide awake."

"Well thank you." I smile. "Seen anything yet?"

"No, not yet. Scooter said he heard something, he said it sounding like moaning, but nothing came. I think we're too far in the woods for anything to wonder here."

"I'd watch out. You'd be surprised, there's infected everywhere. There has to be some in these woods."

"I guess." He chuckles.

"Your eye looks a lot better." I say.

The remnants from the fight are almost gone from his face. The bag under his left eye is a light shade of purple, I suspect it to stay like that for a couple more days before it completely disappears. The white of his eye is almost completely normal again, it's just a yellowish color right now. The scab on his lip is only but a patch of darker skin, and his face isn't swollen anymore.

"Well that's good. I'm almost at my normal handsomeness. Lucky for you." He smirks.

"Sounds like something Layke would say." I tease.

He crosses his arms and rolls his eyes. "Whatever."

I laugh a bit and push his shoulder. "Well I'm going to look around, keep an eye on Brianna?"

"Why? What are you planning to find?" He raises an eyebrow.

"First of all, I have to piss and don't want to go where someone can accidentally walk up on me. Second, I just want too. I like it out here, peaceful. You want to join?"

"Nah, I have to stay and watch camp until someone wakes up. If you want me to come and find you after-"

"No it's okay, I'd rather be by myself anyway. Gives me time to think." I laugh.

"Okay, but I'm worried about you. Please be safe, and if you need help, just scream and I'll come running." He gives a small smile.

"You got it." I say and return the gesture.

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