"Why shouldn't I?" The girl said. "Everything's my fault. I made you like this.." The girl said, her eyes sparkling with tears.

She thought she seemed pathetic looking like that, all shivering and teary-eyed. She blinked and one of the tears fell out, slowly sliding over her face. She would've raised her hand and wiped it with her sleeve, but Jeff kept both of her shoulders held tightly. 

"I chose to make this decision." Jeff replied glumly. "It wasn't your fault." 

"You were very brave.." The girl smiled a bit. "I don't think I would've have the courage you had to do what you had done." 

She lifted herself up to plant a tiny kiss on Jeff's forehead, and lowered herself down. 


"Hey," Jeff whispered, brushing the girl's bangs covering her face. 


"I've gotta check something with LJ for a sec. Stay here, okay? It won't be long."

"Okay." The girl nodded, watching Jeff smile and stand up, walking away and disappearing around the corner.

It hadn't been long, before the girl was already bored, laying face-down on the couch and playing with her hair, until she heard a knock on the door. She turned her head around curiously, thinking it might be LJ.

It couldn't have been LJ of course, because he usually appeared in the other room. EJ and Smile were also already upstairs. 

Who could've it been?

It might be Jeff, but the girl wasn't so sure. She wasn't hoping it was that old burglar who tried to break in recently. She wasn't confident about her defensive moves Jeff had taught her. 

The girl decided she'll open the door just a tiny crack, to see who it was. If it had been somebody who wanted to bring harm, they wouldn't have just knocked on the door. 

The door would've been kicked or smashed down by now.

Still wondering who it could be, the girl tip-toed over to the door, glancing back, to see if Jeff was still there, but he still wasn't here. 

The girl latched her fingers around the door knob, breathing shakily as she quietly turned the door knob, and peeked out the tiny hole. She couldn't quite see since it was turning dark now, but something about the figure seemed to click something in her brain.

"Yes?" The girl asked, disguising her voice into a high-pitched sound.

"Hi. I'm Officer Kate from the Department of Police. I'm here to check with something." The familiar voice said.

The girls eyes widened, she had remembered the name, the familiar sound on that day she had been lost in the forest, her best friend killed, and trying to call the police. 

It was the exact same police she'd called that same day.

The Officer's eyes squinted. "Mind if I step in?" She asked, pressing the heel of her foot against the door. 

The action quickly made the girl regain her sense of instinct. "Erm, it would be best if I don't let you in right now." The girl said in her fake high-pitched voice.

"Oh. Apologies. But at least, may I see your face? It's for an investigation. A young teenaged girl happened to be missing around these woods. And in case something happens, I'll let you know." The Officer said, winking slightly.

The girl smiled. The Officer was warm and gentle. She liked her, but she had to keep her promise to Jeff. "I'm sorry," The girl said. "I just have this weird allergy thing. I can't go outside right now. Things are also a bit messy inside." The girl said nervously, biting her lip.

"Oh, I see." The Officer nodded, looking straight ahead, eyes still squinted. 

Silence lingered between the two, and the girl wasn't sure if she should just close the door or just stand there, waiting for the Officer to go. 

Finally, the Officer spoke up. "You live here alone, do you?" She asked, narrowing her eyes suspiciously.

"Uh, this is my friend's house. I'm crashing over at his place. Why do you ask?" The girl said, in her most calm usual voice.

The Officer shrugged and said, "Safety comes first." She then shook her head and walked away, mumbling, "Pesky teenagers these days.."

Sighing of relief, the girl quickly shut the door and locked it just in case. Steadying her breathing, she blinked and turned around.

To face Jeff.

The girl was at loss for any words. For moments she stood still, frozen, eyes widen and mouth gaping wide. "I-" she stammered.

"I told you to wait here." Jeff said in a cold quiet voice.

"I'm sorry.." Were the only words the girl managed to say. 

Something inside of Jeff suddenly exploded like a ticking bomb. "What the hell where you thinking?!" He suddenly yelled, making the girl jump.

The sudden noise caused Smile to wake up because of his sensitive ears. He lifted his head up, still drowsy from sleep and licked EJ's face.

EJ grunted in response and waved his hand away, continuing to sleep. Frustrated, Smile kicked his hind legs on EJ's crotch, making him yell and curse.

While he was recovering, Smile peeked down the stairs to see Jeff yelling the shit out on the poor girl. EJ soon followed and leaned down the stairs, eavesdropping.

"It wasn't my fault, okay?!" They heard the girl scream, fighting back tears. 

"Then you should've at least told me or something! Do you want me to get arrested?!" Jeff yelled back.

EJ glanced at Smile.
This was getting out of control.

Quietly, both of them made their way downstairs, both Jeff and the girl didn't seem to notice. EJ and Smile didn't know when was the perfect chance to interrupt. They just stood there awkwardly.

The girl's voice was now turning rasp. Wet tears streamed down her face. 
Her voice was only barely a whisper as she managed those final words, choking on it with tears. "You never loved me anyway." 


😭 Sorry for the long update guys >.<

Almost teared up re-reading this chapter 😢
If you feel the same way, here's a free cookie and a free hug <3
🍪  💖

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